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Status: Open To Voting

I'm a sucker for data and was wondering what my average speed was over time (all time, YTD, year, month, etc) but that metric isn't available. I could go through all my activities and do it manually but it would be awesome if i didn't have too!

Adding this metric to the statistics page seems like a good place for it.


On the desktop website, a new selection under My Profile would be intuitive (seen below):

Stats average desktop.png









On the mobile app, a "Stats" page already exists and the new metrics could be sorted as follows:

Stats average mobile.png


A thought after discussion: The averages would have to be broken up by activity types as well and might still not be too meaningful since your average speed while MTB will vary wildly while it may not vary much walking, running, or road cycling.

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for submitting your idea to display different brackets of average speed stats for each Sport Type. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Mt. Kenya

Excellent idea 💡 

I use a third party app for this but this should certainly be part of the Strava package 🙏