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Status: Open To Voting

Right now it is only possible to filter activities based on general type of activity (cycling, running, swimming, skiing). It is not possible to drill down further into these activities (e.g. show heatmap only for road bike). This would improve the heatmap feature a lot - as a road biker, I'm not interested in mountain bike activities. Even worse, sometimes you end up on a road which is not suitable for your bike. This could be easily avoided. I would even pay extra for this feature.

Best regards

Mt. Kenya

This thread shows how little people know about data and information technology. Strava doesn't really know if a road is paved or gravel. I mean, for the most part, it does a great job utilizing information sources and knowing when something is a paved road and guessing if it is not. But how would Strava actually know every single road? There was a gravel road that was recently paved here in Utah...nobody really knew about it and it took years for Strava to get updated. The inverse is also true; I've seen neglected paved roads shown as paved, but you get to them and they've turned to gravel. 

Additionally, filtering on the "type of ride" does Strava know the type of ride that someone is doing? And also, we're relying on users to accurately input the type of ride? I never change mine. And how many users remember to say what type of bike they're using? Heck, we can't even keep e-bikes from stealing the KOMs, and now all of a sudden we're going to characterize the type of ride someone did? Based on what?

I love Strava, but they have a LONG list of bugs and better features that they should be addressing. You have access to the heat map to see where people are riding, and Google Maps to see what the road looks like. That is all you need. Take some initiative and stop relying on technology to solve every small detail of your life.

Mt. Kenya

@Buckeyz Smile. It’s not that bad. Things will be ok. 

Mt. Kenya

Just so you know, the feature is available in Trailforks but their community is much smaller than Strava's. Adding it here would help us all as! Counting on you Strava Team🤞