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Pico de Orizaba
Status: Gathering Kudos


Strava has always traditionally been focused on Cyclists, but more and more features are coming out for additional sports. I would like Strava to better support Multi sport, in both activities and athletes stats/data.

I would love to see is being able to unify/upload multiple activities that were related to each other e.g. a Triathlon. The user experience is always quite clunky, and its hard to view as a single effort/activity when looking at past activities.

Ideally this would be a single activity with different sections per sport and includes transition period. 

This would greatly improve the experience to both the user and their followers. For example the user will be able to differentiate between a 10k run and a 10k run they did at the end of a triathlon. It gives much more context into the athletes effort and doesn't treat single sport activities the same as multi sport

It will benefit their followers as it will reduce the amount of activities displayed on the feed (e.g. if they do lots of swim/run/swim/run/swim/run training). 

Look forward to hearing from you


Hi all, currently I am playing around with my strava API, the image is a example of running a summary of data for a day of my recent ironman triathlon, which in some of your cases it would suit you for your multisport events. the page generates 2 images with stats for the total period, by each activity type, the second image is the summary of multisports so if you have done swim/ride/run or swim/run @Johan6504 on given days, I am working on a variation for a given day of one multisport event and with all the details.



Mt. Kenya

Take a look at how multisport is handled on Garmin Connect. It's about right.

Mt. Kenya

I've just cancelled my paid subscription. Will not be renewing until this is implemented or at least some sort of satisfactory communication from Strava is forthcoming. The silence on this subject is deafening. 

Mt. Kenya

Drastic but understandable. It sure drives me crazy and screws up the running stats when running is mixed with swimming...

Mt. Kenya

Fully supporting this initiative!

Mt. Kenya

Strava has a lot of, some very niche, activity/sport types. However, Adventure Racing is still missing. Right now, we have to resort to using "Workout" to add adventure races because nothing else fits.

If Adventure Racing is too niche, at least Multisport or Orienteering would be some great alternatives.


So I'm noticing that there is not an option for a training to be a triathlon. This would be really great, so all the data is together and you don't forget to stop and start the app in between. As you also cannot bring a phone most of the time. It would be great if you could select the sports and the order and tick them off once you're done, so it shows up as 3 (or maybe even more) activities in one training. so you can still see your overall time, transition time, and speeds for the different sports.