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Status: Open To Voting

If would be great add the training stress score (TSS) as an option for the training log as this is a popular metric used by many cyclists.  

Mt. Kenya
Hola, me encantaría que en el registro de entrenamineto o training log pudieramos tener la CARGA DE ENTRENAMIENTO, ya que para los ciclistas con potenciómetro este es nuestro dato de referencia. Tenerlo a la vista cada día y la suma semanal sería definitivo para abandonar TRAING PEAKS... y tenerlo todo integrado en STRAVA.
TRANSLATION: Hello, I would love it if in the training log we could have the TRAINING LOAD, since for cyclists with a power meter this is our reference data. Having it in view every day and the weekly sum would be definitive to abandon TRAING PEAKS... and have it all integrated into STRAVA.
Status changed to: Open To Voting

Hi Manel, thanks for your suggestion. Can you confirm this is an accurate translation of your idea?

Hello, I would love that in the training log we could have the TRAINING LOAD, since for cyclists with a power meter this is our reference data. Having it in sight every day and the weekly sum would be final to abandon TRAINING PEAKS... and have it all integrated into STRAVA.


And also IF score.

Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

Hello @Katie1000 

​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.  

The subject was edited to better reflect the suggestion so it can be easier for others to search and vote on. Thank you for your contribution.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Pico de Orizaba

It would be interesting to see what the legal hurdles would be to implement this. TrainingPeaks (Peaksware) purchased Training Stress Score®, Intensity Factor®, and Normalized Power® and trademarked them, so Strava would probably need to dip in the pockets a little bit if they actually want add this as a feature.