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Status: Gathering Kudos

User Story
As a Strava User (maybe Subscriber?) that enjoys trying out different training criteria
And has just finished an activity
I want the ability to specify my own tags (e.g. 20-tooth, baby-seat, red-socks)
So that I can report on activities with my specified tags and further personalize my training experience

Save/Edit Activity with User Tags (20-tooth and baby-seat, etc):


Filter My Activities by User Tag(s): 





This is an excellent idea, especially if combined with the ability to filter by tag in the My Activities page. For example, I would love to be able to tag any activity associated with a particular training build (runs, yoga, strength work, etc) with the race target of that build (say "CIM 2024"). Then later I could pull up any activity that I had tagged as part of that training program.

I believe it would also address the issue of stroller runs ( If I could just tag "stroller" with any run (or bike!) and filter in My Activities, that solves that need as well.

Mt. Kenya

I'm all for it. Mine main beef with Strava is it's way too focus on professional athletes and competitive sports. I miss the general population and friends specific tags.

Then again, Strava didn't add simple tags for two years so I don't think they care about their community as much as they claim.