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Mt. Kenya
Status: Existing

I think Strava should implement some kind of algorithm to detect whether a KOM is legit or not... Most of KOMs where I live (São Paulo - Brazil) are fake... A lot of people use bikes to conquer KOMs in the running category, and some of them even use cars. It's absolutely ridiculous... A huge amount of running KOMs of people running on about 1:00 pace... Sorry mate, but if you can do that you should be on the Olympics. Strava should implement something to detect and to validate the KOMs... It's a very nice way to compete, but when competition is not fair in a huge amount of the KOMs (talking about running in São Paulo - Brazil), it becomes very frustrating and useless. 

Status changed to: Existing
Moderator Moderator

Thanks so much for your post. Segments are an important part of Strava, and we appreciate your interest in this topic.

We do have an auto-flagging system in place which catches many (but not all) invalid segment efforts and prevents them from being displayed on leaderboards.  We continuously iterate on this system and appreciate your feedback.

The next step we're taking on this was announced at Camp Strava earlier this year. Click on this link to find out more about our plans to use AI to improve leaderboard integrity.

In the meantime, you can use the activity flag tool to notify us when you do notice invalid segment efforts.

Additionally, if you see the same Athlete repeatedly upload invalid data, you can report that Athlete to Strava.

Thanks again for your post.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


Hi @Jane , is there any timeline for implementing this? Tbh I'm getting tired of constantly flagging "runners" on inline skates or similar (could be easily distinguished e.g. by the cadence data), especially when there's a daily cap for the flagging. If the automation is already built in, then it doesn't work.