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Status: Archived

When will it be possible to see the beacons someone has sent me in the app itself?
i want to see the location of my friend while we compete in the APP, not in the browser. So it will be easier to see how far away we are from each other on the same map.

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos
Moderator Moderator

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

When my friend share its location with the Beacon, I can see where he/she is, but I don't see where I am on the same map. If not familiar with the region, it is hard to evaluate where I am compare to her/him...

Adding a layer " my live position" in a Beacon viiew would be really helpful. 

Adding a "reach my friend" layer on its Shared Beacon to show the best route to reach her/him (even when moving, would need 'recalculate route' for example) would be so great too.

These settings could be turned on or off by the person sharing its Beacon.

Many thanks 🙏


Mt. Kenya

Excellent idea!

Mt. Kenya

I am glad it is open to vote 🙂 !!👍


There doesn't seem to be a way to get the gps coordinates from a stationary beacon, which in most cases really limits your ability to get to that position to render help. Even if it would show you your location as well so you could move to bring yourself closer to the other location it would be usable. Or, if the coordinates could be copied and entered into Google maps, Garmin watch etc, you could use it as a way pt. And actually help whoever might be hurt or need assistance. 


Not a high priority for me but l like: If you are out together but not tight together is excellent to see exactly where someone is - in the app it is easy. And with the limited amount of safety contacts - wich for me allways are people not with me.

Mt. Kenya

I love the beacon feature not just for Emergency backup, but for group rides as well so if we get seperated or don't start at the same time, we can find each other on the trails. For this use, it would be very helpful to not only show the location of the person who has shared the beacon, but be able to see your current location on the same map to aid in helping you meet up.  Currently you only see the other persons location without giving reference to where you are in relation to them.


Status changed to: Archived
Moderator Moderator

Hello. We wanted to let you know that your idea submission from November of 2022 will be archived. While this idea is interesting, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this and currently aren’t able to prioritize this idea.

Please note that your feedback is valuable to Strava. As stated in our Community Idea Guidelines, we receive many idea submissions each week, and realistically, there may be various reasons that prevent us from including an idea on our Product Roadmap.  

We want to thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team