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Status: Existing

I think it would be a great idea to developp an option to delete a segment that is not representative of the reality (ex : bug with the gradient or global height difference) and have the possibility to propose a more suitable one.

An idea of implementing it could be to create a replacement proposition which users could upvote or downvote to approve this new segment or not and if the majority aggrees, this segment would replace the deffective one.

Status changed to: Existing

Hi, thanks for sharing this suggestion. Our support team isn't able to delete duplicate/inaccurate segments, but we do have an existing functionality for the community to up and downvote segments using the star and hide features. You can read more about it here.


@Soren - can you please explain WHY Strava is so against allowing at least SOME method of cleaning up bad segments?  It has been asked for over and over for years, yet Strava ignores it with zero explanation.  Providing some way to either contact the segment creator (can be anonymous for all I care) or petition in some way to get a bad segment removed would go a long way.  Maybe implement local moderators similar to Trailforks, people who have the ability to make corrections.  Lots of options have been presented to you over the years, but still nothing.  Please at least give us a statement as to why Strava is so against improving the functionality of segments.  


In my area there were a couple of Segments that had obvious elevation errors.  I can't delete them so I simply hid them and created new versions with correct elevation data so now I never see the bad Segments again.  Problem solved. 


@Ian - that doesn't "solve" the problem.  Those segments are still there.  They still show up in stats.  They still show up in other people's lists.  Again, why is Strava so against actually fixing the problem rather than just trying to hide it?


I've created quite a lot of segments and I like to think I've created them fairly carefully.  I don't want any random user having the right to delete them.


@Ian - I have never suggested that "any random user" should have the right to delete someone's segment.  What I am suggesting is to implement some way that bad segments can be addressed.  A way to reach out to the created to suggest and edit or deletion where you could explain the issue.  In that case, it would still be up to the original creator to update, delete, or leave as-is based on their determination.  Another way would be to have local moderators who were vetted in some way who would have the authority to review and propose or edit segments.  This would not be "any random user", but rather someone who has proven their history with the platform and knowledges of the local area/trail system who could provide an educated view of the situation.  This is what Trailforks uses for their platform and it seems to work fairly well.  This would especially come into play when you have segments that were created a decade ago by people who haven't used Strava for years and who would not be able to be contacted to fix errors. 


@anchskier - maybe I'm missing something - how do Segments that I have hidden affect my stats ?


For one, they show up in your KOM/Top 10 lists.  This just clutters the list with a bunch of almost identical segments.  I have multiple KOMs that show up on my list 3 or 4 times because there are duplicate segments, same goes for the top 10's.  

Pico de Orizaba

Stop complaining homie, youre getting free KOMs and its not that hard to just hide the bad segments and have your own.


@anchskier great point mate. I see rubbish segments all the time. Usually because the person creating it has a bad gps device. It would be great to clean it up so we dont have to keep filter through them all. 

Mayb set something up where if 10 ppl mark it for deletion it gets deleted?

Hiding the segments doesnt fix the problem, it just hides it 


Recently I noticed I wasn't getting the summary from live track once I'd completed the segment I'd created. I did find that Strava had renamed my segment by putting CONSOLIDATED SEGMENT at the start. They have since removed this segment completely and activated another segment in it's place. Unfortunately this replacement segment does not follow the trail due to bad gps tracking and so the live track fails to complete.

I did not recieve any notice that my segment was going to be deleted. I am a little shocked that this is what Strava does to paying members.