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Pico de Orizaba
Status: Open To Voting

When I look at the "Relative Effort" section of my rides, I see a graph called "Weekly Effort."

This graph usually makes no sense.  If I look at the ride on Monday morning, it will compare my effort for that one day to the entire week prior and always tells me my efforts are below average.

It would be much more helpful if the graph and analysis were done on a rolling 7-day basis.  It would be helpful to know how I'm doing for the last week vs the prior week, no matter what day I look at it.


I like the weekly relative effort data!

But I do not like that it is set to zero at the beginning of the week. This usually means that in the first half of the week, when I have just done a few activities and I have not yet reached the lower level of my optimal range, the comment is always that my effort this week was below average.

I think it would be more useful if the relative effort in the current week is based on the last seven days instead, i.e. a rolling sum.

Status changed to: Open To Voting

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Logical idea, but I also sometimes like starting the week at zero. How about providing options, such as start from zero on X day, weekly rolling average, or rolling average over X number of days. Then everyone can set it as they like. 

Regarding the automated comments, it's nice to have the encouragement and the reminders, but it seems like they could be more appropriate (even if still automated). For example, instead of "your effort is below," something like "You are building a nice effort for the week. Keep it low if you are resting or recovering."

Pico de Orizaba

Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 12.58.42 PM.png

In this case, I'm looking at the graph on a Friday, so Saturday and Sunday are blank.  Why not show the trailing 7 days?

Pico de Orizaba

Sunday Night, Strava thought I was looking good and Above my weekly range.

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 8.47.39 AM.png

A few hours later, I'm below my weekly range.  This makes no sense.

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 9.31.27 PM.png

Mt. Kenya

I really love the Apple widgets which show the distance you’ve completed lately, but they are currently set up to display data about the current week (similar to the graphs on your profile). However, on a Monday, I am not interested in stats for the current week, since 6/7 of those days haven’t happened yet.

Instead, it would be great if the stats were for the past 7 days. This way, all workouts would count for the same amount of time and you’d better be able to see when it was time to get back out there.



Mt. Kenya

The work-week kind of display we have currently make no sense - it doesn’t guide you to the right level of the effort until the end of the week. Really stupid really. 7-day (or 5 or 10-day…) rolling sum (i.e. sum of last 7 days) would help a lot more!

Pico de Orizaba

Thank you for posting this.  I also made the same suggestion, "Change "Weekly Effort" to "Last 7 days Effort"

This sakes no sense.  I hope Strava changes this to make the weekly effort a useful tool.

Mt. Kenya

This drives me nuts!

Most of my riding is done in the weekend, so I am staring at a "Your activity level has been lighter than average." for 6.5 days out of 7. 

What a completely useless widget on the Strava website. (This is on Thursday). As you can tell for the number generated by 1 ride, I will be "in range" as soon as I ride a second time this week. 


Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 17.06.39.jpg


This is huge and would bring me significant value as a premium subscriber. After every ride, Garmin shows you your effort over the last 7 days and tells you if you are undertraining, overtraining, or have an optimal training load. Unfortunately, I don't track all of my activities on Garmin so I can't rely on that. I do track everything on Strava, so the value here is significant. If I had a big weekend effort and I want to know how hard to go on a Monday or Tuesday, seeing a trailing 7 day view of effort will be very insightful.

If the focus for Strava premium features is on "Advanced Training", I think this is a must-have for any athlete. 

Mt. Kenya

I am so frustrated by Strava telling me I am below my weekly Effort when I usually do the major activity on Saturday. Searched the internet for a way to turn it off. Found and upvoted this instead.

Mt. Kenya

Thank you so much for posting this. You explained the issue well. Kind of worrisome that Strava hasn't fixed this in a year. 

I am also frustrated by Strava telling me I am below my weekly Effort when I usually do the major activity on Saturday. Searched the internet for a way to turn it off. Found and upvoted this instead.

Mt. Kenya

Relative effort screen is wrong. If I tap on Progress then Relative Effort on the app, it evaluates your effort so far this week (even if it is only Monday or Tuesday), and compares it to your target range for the WHOLE week. So even if you have done a huge workout on Monday, but not quite hit your target range for the WHOLE week on the first day of the week, it will tell you that "your activity level has been lighter than usual" which is factually incorrect and misleading. It would be best to give you a target for the last rolling 7 days. I raised this as a ticket on Strava help and they suggested I submit a post here.



Mt. Kenya

Thanks for your post hgsimmers

"Status: Gathering Kudos" since more than a year.
for something this obvious I am surprised that Strava needs more Kudos. The issue is perfectly explained by all the above posts. but yeah, just wait for more Kudos 😠

Mt. Kenya

Yes, for those of us (many) who do most of their exercise at the weekend, and especially those whose Sunday church is a Long Run, this will incorrectly show that "your activity has been lighter than usual" for 6 days of every week, which makes the whole screen useless.