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Status: Open To Voting

Along with the number of miles tracked on components, could we see the number of hours? There are bike components (like shocks and forks) that have service intervals in hours, not miles.

Related is a feature request for tracking maintenance. That would be great. But a simple 'hours' feature alongside miles would be a good start.

Thank you!

Mt. Kenya

It would be great to see total moving time for each bike in the gear section next to total miles per bike. It would be particularly helpful for mountain bikes that have suspension so you can have a better idea of when to get it serviced. As suspension service intervals are usage time based not mileage based this would be extremely helpful!

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for submitting your idea to also display hours of usage tied to a component. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.
I see this is slightly different than the already proposed idea Provide a way to track maintenance done on Gear.

Thanks for your contribution.

Mt. Kenya

Ability to track the amount of hours used for gear in addition to kilometers/miles. With the new sports added eg. tennis it would be useful to know how many hours I have used for example shoes. The amount of hours used can then be useful for determining financial implications such as value for money, budgeting, lifespan etc.

Can be extended to other equipment or consumables although might become tedious

Mt. Kenya

This is an excellent idea, particularly for the as stated mountain bike related components.  
If there could be an add on option to reset to zero hours (similar to the warning light reset after an oil change), that would be an awesome plus.  But at the end of the day, if it would only be totalized hours, I could live with that.  Thank you!

Mt. Kenya

Hour tracker for maintenance interval on my suspension components would be awesome. Please add! 

Pico de Orizaba

Absolutely NEED time tracking for Service intervals on mountain bikes..

Forks lower leg service is 40 and 200 hours

Rear Shock is 125 hours!

Please add this!

Mt. Kenya


I also think this would be an invaluable feature as I need to track hours for my Forks, Rear Shock and AXS Dropper.

I think this would add revenue for Strava if they advertised this feature as its so hard to track otherwise.

Please add to your user story!

Mt. Kenya

Being able to choose moving time instead of total miles for gear especially mountain bikes would be useful for suspension service intervals. 

Mt. Kenya

Without this, we have to assume average speeds and get this from milage. Not cool for maintenance without this.

Mt. Kenya

+1 for this feature request.  Tracking hours on the suspension is the most obvious need.  Wear and tear can be hard to measure (depends on terrain, rider, etc), but being able to track distance *and* time would be a great thing.

Mt. Kenya

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 1.37.43 PM.png


writing a simple iOS app for this 🙂

Mt. Kenya

Awesome.  Would you release for general consumption?  If yes, I hope to gain access.  

Mt. Kenya

That’s the plan!  And hopefully an initial beta release soon.

Mt. Kenya

It's great that you can track gear, and it would be even better to be able to indicate maintenance points based on time or distance.  For example, I would really value an indication of how long I have been able to go between chain waxings on my bike. Having target points for equipment would be useful, along with notifications when the date/distance is nearing - then describing the maintenance would help keep track of the effectiveness (eg. what brand of lube, which LBS).

Mt. Kenya

It's really useful because the maintenance components are calculated by hours, i was start to suggest this idea and find this post in votation status, please add we'll appreciate to much, regards!!!!