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Mt. Kenya

After many years of using Strava I took the decision to leave the platform because my feed was saturated with Zwift rides from those I follow.

Whilst I don't want to unfollow those athletes, because they also post real outdoor rides, I'm not interested in seeing make believe under water bike rides with computer game graphics.

Come on Strava this has been requested hundreds of times, put a filter in place for indoor rides - of have you got some sort of deal with Zwift which says you won't filter their activities out?

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello @MrFGSuperman 

Thanks for posting about this.  As you mentioned we do have an existing feature suggestion about this, which has gained considerable traction with the Community.   If you haven't already, I would encourage you to add your vote (kudos) and any comments to that existing thread.

This suggestion will be archived to ensure that votes aren’t divided across duplicate ideas, and to keep the forums organized.  Thank you again for your contribution.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


It seems that many people take the time to post about this feature request. After being asked for by many people, many times perhaps it is worthy of further consideration?