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Status: Open To Voting

If you finish the activity accidentally during the route (garmin Edge buttons sucks), you should be able to combine with the next activity.

Mt. Kenya

Please Strava add this feature so we can link daily rides, eg when touring. Perhaps as a feature for subscribers.


Please do this! 

Also, I think being able to pick up with you left off in a route is important. I got lost when my route finished prematurely and I couldn't get it back. 

Mt. Kenya

Please add a merge button within Strava! My issue: I accidentally started a ride recording as a run. I stopped and saved it a mile in - there didn't seem to be a way to change the recording mode from a run to a ride. Then I started a new ride recording for the rest of my ride. When I got home I was able to edit the run into a ride. But when I searched for merging I ended up here. Totally frustrated by this lack of feature.

Mt. Kenya

You should also be able to link two activities together. We biked to an event, and then biked home after the event. I would like those two activities to be linked together as one 🙂

Mt. Kenya

I'd like to be able to ride to the store or dinner, stop Strava completely, then ride away again and call it a single ride (in my mind it is a single ride).

or similarly,  I ride to Yoga then I switch the app to "Yoga" (on my watch) then ride home and I'd like to see the bike ride as a single ride vs. 2


I hate when people do this. Yes, there is the occasional time when the GPS glitches and you need to crop out the center, or watch dies and you pick up recording on something else, but the majority of people I see doing this are people on multi-day adventures trying to make their map look like one big ride. If you stopped to sleep, that's TWO rides/runs, not one.

Mt. Kenya

I recently hiked 1000 vertical meters in one day, a huge achievement I am proud of. Sadly, I started Komoot during the hike, hoping to get some navigation hints. However, this automatically ended the recording of my Hike in Apple's Fitness App, leading to 2 separate activities in Stava.

This happened to me before; however, I only realized what the reason is now. In such cases, it would be much appreciated if it were possible to fix such issues (e.g., recording stopped for god knows what reason) in Strava.

Similarly, I had runs accidentally ended because my rain jacket rubbed on the surface of my watch, pressing buttons automatically and ending my run. I want to be allowed to fix this in Stava. This really should be a standard feature.



Would be a nice feat indeed!

Mt. Kenya

This comment may have already been made, but I just completed a ride where my heartrate was recorded on my garmin watch, while power was recorded on my wahoo computer.  Both uploaded as separate rides that occurred at the same time.  I would like to take the heartrate from my watch and add it to the Wahoo data.

Moderator Moderator

Hi @FlatsRonaldo 

Thanks for your comment. There's actually a separate feature suggestion that covers the scenario you're describing; merging multiple recording multiple recording streams.

You can check it out here 

We would welcome your vote and any comments you would like to add about how you'd like to see this implemented. Thanks again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I vote yes for this capability also. To avoid loss of data, I record on both my Google Pixel 9 and Samsung Watch6. To then to have to go back afterwards and manipulate data to combine seems unnecessary if the option was given. Especially so since both are recorded to the same account and overlap.

Mt. Kenya

So funny,  I do that all the time.