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Status: Archived

In the lights of recent events in Israel, I would like to suggest to add new (maybe temporary) map type colors ( white and blue) thats represents Israeli flag and will provide support for athlets from Israel (some of there were murdered)

We all united in the fight agains pure evil and this  will help us to overcome these hard times.

Same like you did before with "support Ukrain" or "Black lives matter" or "pride"

Mt. Kenya

Support Israel Map type requested

Mt. Kenya


Dear Strava Community, I'm a dedicated Strava user and I'm reaching out to suggest an idea that could have a positive impact.

In light of the ongoing situation in Israel and the thousands of innocent lives being taken, the hundreds of kids being slaughtered and beheaded, and the inhumane torturing of hostages taken, mainly kids, women, and elderly, all just because they are Jewish. I believe it would be meaningful if Strava could introduce a Stand with Israel map color option, featuring blue and white, to show support for Israel.

Strava has successfully implemented map color changes to support Ukraine and BLM to stand with solidarity with the people fighting against those evil actions. I believe a similar feature for Israel could not only enhance our experience on the platform but also provide a way for us to express our solidarity during these challenging times.

Let's come together and ask Strava to consider this addition to support a cause that matters to many of us."

Mt. Kenya

Please give kudos, share, and comment with support to show strava and get it done!

Status changed to: Archived
Moderator Moderator


Thank you for reaching out to us. We deeply sympathize with the concerns and distress caused by the Israel-Hamas war. We recognize the impact such events can have on individuals and communities, and our thoughts are with all those affected during this challenging time.

Currently, a customized map is not being developed, but we thank you for taking the time to submit your request and will take your feedback into consideration. We remain committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all our athletes.

Should you have any further questions or require additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to provide assistance.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Dear Strava management 

Your response is inadequate because no explanation is offered.

Your enterprise had the benefit of being completely apolitical since it is a social media space dedicated to sport.

However you chose to introduce supporter maps for BLM and Ukraine (which you were entitled to do).

Consequently however, an explanation is required as to your position to not do likewise for Israel. How is this to be reconciled with your express comment that you are committed to an inclusive environment for all athletes?



Mt. Kenya

A straight forward lets live together and respect each other Map Type would be great.
A general Peace Map to decry the current multiple of ongoing armed conflicts (in some references there are incredibly over 100) A catch phrase from 60's or from John Lennon might be appropriate. We are all athletes of various capabilities, we respect each others performances It's a shame its not contagious. Thanks

Mt. Kenya

Why can’t I like some of these posts? Seems the only one with a thumbs up icon is the moderator's post, not any of the other posts. Stand with Israel would be a good one since BLM and Ukraine are included, IMHO

Mt. Kenya

I dont think strava should be profiting through this situation. If and only if theres a map for "stand for israel" or something like that, it would be insensitive to all people. Strava should not condone and support this act of war. The world dont just revolves only around 'israel'. So pls kindly ignore the request to map the israel or any supportive mean. Thnx