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Mt. Kenya
Status: Archived

Could there be an option for a single button start?  I can't be the only one to return from a ride and found that I pushed the record button, but not the start button.  Not sure there needs to be a confirmation that I want to record.  That's the only reason I ever open the app, to record...

Moderator Moderator

Hello @Old_Guy 

Thanks for posting about this.  I just want to confirm - you're talking about the the Strava Mobile App, correct?

The reason there's a "record" follow by a "start" button is to alert the App to search for, and establish a GPS connection prior to actually starting the recording.  If the App begins recording prior to establishing a GPS signal, the recording quality will be negatively impacted.  Let us know if you have any questions about that.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Status changed to: Archived
Moderator Moderator

Your idea has been shared with the product team. Right now, we aren't exploring the possibility of adding/implementing this feature, and your suggestion will be archived.  Please understand that we  receive a very high volume of feature requests, and only those that align with our current focus can be considered.  Thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued engagement in the Community Hub

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I don't buy the explanation. Is there a reason the app could not start recording either when it has a GPS signal, or just record with lower accuracy until it has one?

I only just started using the app and I've already missed a couple of recordings because of this bad UX. Ar least add a setting for auto-start or a countdown timer or something.