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Status: Open To Voting

When in app and you enter the "Media" menu, to see the photos from an activity (yours or a friend's activity) you can scroll down to see all the photos. But if you want to see the photos full screen (landscape mode) you have to "click" a photo and than close it and do that for all the other photos.

I think it would be great if we could see all the photos in full screen/landscape mode just by swiping without having to close and click next photo over and over again.

Of course that is not a problem if there is only one photo, but there are people who add a lot of photos.

Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. Thank you for your contribution.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Oh, yes, this seems to me as a must do, also! It's so annoying to open and close each photo, that I rarely have the patience to look at more than 2.

Mt. Kenya

This seems like a very nice feature to have. It would align the experience in the Strava app with so many other apps that have made me accustomed with swiping between photos.


Dear Jane, or dear moderators,

I don't know what this "gathering kudos" and "open for voting" really means. But it makes me think that only the most voted/popular ideas will be implemented. And I am not sure if this is a good thing for Strava, to let people on this forum decide the future development of the app. The most voted topic on this forum has ~1600 votes, but Strava was downloaded by more than 50 millions people, so I don't know how representative are these votes for the vast majority of users that don't enter this forum. And another thing that could happen is that an popular person, an influencer, has an idea that is very hard to implement and is meaningless for the vast majority of users, but as he is popular he will easily convince his followers to vote and will get a lot of votes. And maybe a more impactful idea that is not promoted by a popular person will not get implemented.

All the best!

When i go to add an edited photo to an older post it puts the photo to the top of my list of photos even though it wasnt my last activity. 

Is there anyway to order photos based on the activity date and not the edited photo date?

eg. Say i find a photo of a ride i did 6 months ago. edit the photo and goto upload it to the activity, that photo will be showing as my last photo added even though it was taken 6 months ago. Can you make it so that it orders the photo based on activity date and not the date the photo was 'created'(edited). Pretty sure its got something to do with the date-stamp of the photo

Moderator Moderator

Hello @MakeStravaGreat 

Thanks for your post.  Just to be sure I'm understanding what you're suggesting.  When you refer to " it puts the photo to the top of my list of photos" you are referring to the photos displayed on your Strava Profile page, correct?

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Hi @Jane 

Correct, both when viewed in grid view and in list view on my profile.
When an old edited photo is added its displayed at the top of all my photos (looking as though its my most recent activity) and not halfway down the page when the activity took place.