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Status: Open To Voting

As a runner, I often separate my run into separate sections, like a warm-up before a run, or sometimes I’ll split my run in half: a fast pace section and a slow pace section. To reflect the different pace/intensity of my training, I often post these sections as separate activities, naming them “part 1”and “part 2”, for example. 

I would love the ability to record up to three separate sections of an activity, posted as one activity. Ideally, this would present as multiple lines of stats (pace, etc.) above the map labeled something like “section 1”, “section 2”, etc., and these separate sections would be indicated on the map route somehow (such as “start” and “end” markers, or colour coding of some kind). 

1 Comment
Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

Hello @dproteau ,

Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

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