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I travel extensively and when I am on the road, I am often using a treadmill. 

What I would really like is a treadmill option that allowed me to record my heart rate and in real time input into the app what my current speed and incline is. So, as I change the speed and incline on the treadmill, I would then mirror them in the app to record my activity along with my heart rate. Then it could at the conclusion of the activity calculate my elevation gained along with other attributes that I want to track.


Hello and thanks for your suggestion to improve manual treadmill activity entries. Currently, Strava hides elevation data on an activity when the ‘Indoor’ tag is applied. Since your activities wouldn’t contain GPS data, Strava would automatically apply the Indoor tag causing any elevation to be hidden, which would thus require you to manually remove the tag from every treadmill activity you upload. Viewed one way, this is basically a request to manually add elevation to indoor run activities, pair your HR data, and also manually input speed/distance/incline. Is this a correct understanding on my behalf?

Status changed to: Open To Voting

​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

I'd like to share a workaround for this problem if you have a watch like a Garmin or another device that records the data. It's not the easiest solution -- but it's an option nonetheless: 
1) Record treadmill on your Garmin to get steps, HR and calories.
2) Take a photo or note of the time / distance / elevation on the actual treadmill.
3) Take note of your Garmin’s relative effort score and delete that activity.
4) Create a manual run activity (on web) entering elevation and other data, and use the perceived exertion slider to get a similar value to your Garmin activity’s Relative Effort value.

Mt. Kenya

I do a mix of treadmill and out door running. Currently, I do not see a good way to both log miles on a treadmill and keep heart rate data. It would be great to be able to manually enter distance, elevation, etc after a 'treadmill run' activity and have your heart rate and time automatically logged through the app. 

Mt. Kenya

Good morning.  I frequently hike on an incline treadmill for mountain running training.  

The problem is that it is currently necessary to choose between HR data or accurate treadmill stats (distance and elevation gain).  I use HR data to track my training, so it is valuable to record a "treadmill run" activity with the HR strap rather than entering a manual activity later.

However, the only way to record the elevation gain in Strava is to also record a separate manual activity and enter the correct elevation gain and mileage.  This requires duplicate activity entries (if you want to keep the HR data) or missing data (0 elevation gain).

My request is - could the treadmill activity be modified such that the elevation gain / loss stats are editable in the app after recording?  

This is important to me because "cumulative elevation climbed" is my primary metric during the summer mountain running season.  I use incline treadmill hiking (recorded as a treadmill run) as a frequent activity.  Because I prioritize the HR data recorded during the activity, Strava records zero vertical gain and inaccurate distance.  It would be very helpful to be able to correct this data in the app after the run.  

Thank you!

Mt. Kenya

Hi all,

I would like to add to this conversation & also ask for a way to manually enter elevation gain data for treadmill/indoor runs. This would be super helpful for tracking my total elevation gain in a week/month while training for mountain trail races. As it stands the manual entry work-arounds are irritating for an app that users pay an annual subscription for. In the spirit of continuous improvement it would be great to implement this for the community!

Mt. Kenya

I agree with all the comments above.

I've just completed a treadmill run at max incline for 30 mins which equates to 1,980 feet of elevation. 

The only way to add this elevation is to upload a manual entry. However, this then doesn't include HR data which is valuable information.


Could Strava look at allowing manual elevation data on an indoor run/treadmill activity?

Mt. Kenya

Please implement this as soon as possible! It's annoying to keep adding additional manual activities to include treadmill elevation. I want to keep my HR and and pace data for evaluation, so end up with two entries (elevation entry just has distance of 0.01). Seems like it should be a simple change and would help so many for both treadmill and stair climber indoor workouts.

Mt. Kenya

Dear Strava,

I am also very, very interested in this feature. I track elevation per week and per month as the seasons flow, and as much as I wish I was out in the beautiful weather I do often rely on the treadmill to get those extra feet of gains so I am ready for the big mountain races. We obviously can keep track of this on our own in the notes, but it makes it more of a chore to go back and add it all up on a separate spreadsheet.

Thank you so much for considering this!

Mt. Kenya

Sorry, I actually didn't fully read the top post until after I posted above. To be more clear, the feature I am asking for is to be able to write in the total elevation gain after the treadmill run. No need to update it while running for me. If it helps I can make a second ideas post about just that.

Mt. Kenya

Same for me! It is very important for me to easily sum up the elevation I gained during one year including treadmill activities. In addition I would like to keep the heart rate, so I kindly ask you to just implement the feature that allows you to manually add elevation gain once the activity is synced to Strava!

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello. We wanted to let you know that your idea submission from December of 2022 will be archived. While this idea is interesting, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this and currently aren’t able to prioritize this idea.

Please note that your feedback is valuable to Strava. As stated in our Community Idea Guidelines, we receive many idea submissions each week, and realistically, there may be various reasons that prevent us from including an idea on our Product Roadmap.  

We want to thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team