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Status: Open To Voting

I love building cycling routes - Weather in Strava or other apps. Strava's UI is good for building a route. I find the heatmaps is what keeps me using Strava as my primary route builder.

However, I find there is lacking a major features for a route builder/planner:

  • you cannot select anything on the timeline in order to gather additional details on the route or certain section (i.e.: climbs). See attached image as an example.

Timeline UITimeline UI


  • I would also like to be able to quick see "big climb" in a route. Perhaps in the left pane, there could be a section dedicated to climbs that you could enter your own parameters (i.e.: show me climbs that averages 4% or more and longer than 4km)

Climb UIClimb UI

Strava's current offering as a Route Builder is good but implementing those missing feature would make it excellent.

Feel free to add other Route Builder features to this thread. Cheers! 😎

Mt. Kenya

Adding to that, coming from RideWithGPS

  • Ability to draw various stretches of route then merge them (I use this to map the climbs in an area, then joining them in one route)


  • Ability to split a route in two. Typically when I decide to go along a different routes, it makes it easier to delete a full stretch.


  • Ability to check google maps street view straight from Strava (yes, RWGPS has this). This is critical when evaluating the road surface.


  • Ability to compare two routes to determine what would work best


  • From the elevation curve, ability to add control points (same as OP) (eg. to force the route to follow a certain path after the hill)


  • Enable color coding certain bits for better highlighting the most interest part of the route.




Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Note: The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. 

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

When building a route on Android, it seems way to easy to me, to delete all progress by clicking the top left "x". 

You'll be building a big detailed route, and I have caught myself a few times, instead of pressing "previous" to undo changes. I accidentally press the "x" on top and loose the whole process.

It would be nice if there was an auto-save function or maybe a pop-up that comes up "are you sure you want to return and loose all progress". 

Anyone else done this before?