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Status: Open To Voting

I suggest making available the selection of activities for which you want to see the heatmap during planning, or at least the global heatmaps. Currently the visible heatmaps are only those corresponding to the activity you are planning, and, especially with regards to personal heatmaps, it is rather frustrating: if I have been in a place during a walk or a running activity, little changes in my opinion!


For creating new routes I often compare (combine) the global map with my own heat map. I mostly run, but sometimes I scout areas by hiking too.
I would love to be able to control, especially for the personal heat map, certain activity types added together (or not) via some checkmarks for what kind of activity type to show or hide. It would help to create better routes. If I can hike a trail, I can run it too.

Also helpful for lesser-run parts in the world where I am sometimes dependent on the bike heat map to be able to make a running route.

Since the database already exists, it might be an easy add-on hopefully? 🙂
Thank you Strava for the exciting heat maps!

Trail (ultra-)runner & map geek.
Mt. Kenya

This 100%. Not sure why run vs. trail run, etc. is now separated and unable to be combined into a single heat map view. It makes perfect sense that these activities could overlap and route making would benefit significantly from users being able to decide which sports are included as part of their personal heat map; a default personal heat map setting would be icing on the cake. 

Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team


I agree with you completely. Previously when creating a route, it showed me my personal heatmap for all foot activities. Now it only shows me where I have a) run b) trail run c) walked etc depending on the type of activity I intend to do with the route. One of the features I love is to increase the size of my heatmap and link one activity to another. It's a huge motivation for me and I feel like this has been taken away now. Please sort it out Strava so we can choose to have all again

Mt. Kenya

I have a lot of "ride" type of gravel rides, long before there was that type of ride avalible on garmin/strava. 

Now when i plan the next route i cant see all my gravel rides on heatmap. Also, i want to see where "roadies" are biking in the area at the same time.

II suggest to change the avalible types on planner to:

All bike/Road/Gravel/MTB



Mt. Kenya

This. The desktop route planner has become useless after splitting the heatmap to different sport types. There is little to no rides marked as gravel rides around here and the gravel routing itself doesn't work as it's basically the same as the mtb option and you have to manually check every part of the route in competing app. It should be a multi select with an option to see all sport types like it is in the separate map page. The heatmap in the route planner also seems to lack data compared to the separate map. For me the desktop route planning with all the heatmap data available has been the only thing worth paying money for. Please stop ruining perfectly good features.

Mt. Kenya

So in the past I loved to create my cycling routes with Strava, I was able to see the global heatmap and my personal heatmap which made it easy to create routes on roads I haven't ridden before. Around 1/2 months ago this changed, strava now displays my personal heatmap per activity type. Almost half of my activities are "Mountain biking" and the other half is "Cycling". Now it's a lot of work to create a route that covers roads I haven't ridden before.

Maybe it's an idea to select multiple type of activities you want to have covered in the personal heatmap via a checkbox instead of limiting it to 1 type of activity?

Edit: It's somewhat related to this post, but my problem is more around the personal heatmap rather than the global heatmap.