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Status: Gathering Kudos

On the mobile app, you can look at another person's profile, and star the routes that they have created that they have made public. However, you cannot do this on desktop.

It would be really useful to be able to do the following on the desktop/browser version of Strava:

- go to somebody's profile
- look at their routes
- star/save/duplicate the ones which they have made public

The exact same functionality already exists in the app.

Mt. Kenya

I don't understand why this feature doesn't already exist and if it does exist why it is so hidden... as Gwilym said, it already exists in app. So why can I not do on web?

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos

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Great suggestion! I was on Strava web and looking for exactly that. I had to google it, only to find it exist on Mobile ONLY. It looks like I'm not the only one that uses a computer to find and map out route 🙃

Mt. Kenya

Agreed - I often do my route planning using my computer instead of the app and this seem like a pretty basic need.

Mt. Kenya

it is a very odd and frustrating omission

Mt. Kenya

It's far easier inspecting, planning and choosing a route on a large screen. 

So it's definitely appropriate functionality for the web app.

Mt. Kenya

Please add this to Website ... seems silly to have to move device when creating a new route i should be able to use a suggested set and get it pre-loaded let me make it mine by customizing start and end perhaps and done.