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Status: Open To Voting

I know a lot of us use Strava because we LOVE data and using it to inform our training. I also know that a lot of us love competing with ourselves, but being able to quantify out efforts against the larger community of athletes is also something we value.

As a trail runner who has recently gotten into competition, I would love to see a partnership/data integration with the Ultra Signup platform. Pulling race data into workouts that are classified as "races" could provide some really interesting insights, for instance, seeing how your race stats stack up against other Strava users who were in the same race. It would also be a cool way to see what kind of training other races performed leading up to said race. Data, data, data.

As a bonus, it would be fun to earn badges/accolades in Strava based on your performance in a race.

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Status changed to: Open To Voting
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The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. Thank you for your contribution.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team