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We are happy to announce a new integration that allows F45 members to connect their Lionheart devices to their Strava account via the F45 Training app. 

F45 Training is a global fitness and lifestyle community that brings you a complete wellness solution from functional training and HIIT, to nutrition, challenges and accountability.

Workouts will automatically upload to Strava, displaying class type and location. Paired with Lionheart, members can track F45 points. Synced activities will include a photo that can be grouped with other athletes who attend the same class as you if they have also set up their app and enabled Group Activities Privacy Controls.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 9.55.26 AM.png

Read more about how to set up the new F45 integration here and check out the F45 Training Strava Club to connect with others. And learn how to get a free F45 class here!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Hi there, 

I have been training at F45 and been using Strava for some time, and am delighted to see this integration. I've integrated my F45 app and now when I train F45, that training session is posted to my Strava profile. Great success!

However, I have always trained with my wearable device, a Garmin watch, posting runs, cycles, and also my F45 workouts, to my Strava profile. The issue now is that I am getting double-postings for my F45 workouts - one from my own wearable device as usual, but now a second for the same activity from the F45 app. See my profile for a recent example.

Is there a way to merge these two activities? Or add the workout data from my wearable to the new F45-integrated posts? Could the Strava app somehow understand the data from my wearable is from the same F45 training as the session that the F45 app is now posting?

PS: please don't suggest for me to buy a new wearable device

Moderator Moderator

Hello @AlolanMarowak 

Thanks so much for your post and great to hear you're enjoying the new F45 integration. We don't currently offer a way on Strava to merge two recorded streams of activity data, which is why you're seeing two activities on your Strava account. You might want to 1) avoid recording your F45 workouts with your Garmin watch or 2) delete the Garmin recorded version once it uploads to Strava (this is the best option if you want your F45 data to continue to sync to your Garmin account)

Apologies for any confusion over this.

We have an existing feature suggestion about merging activity data over on our Ideas Board. Check it out here, and we would welcome you vote (thumbs up icon) and any comments you would like to add. 

Thanks again for your post and let us know if you have any further questions.


Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

My f45 workouts stopped uploading to Strava.  What can I do?

Moderator Moderator

Hey @Lynne
Thanks for your post and sorry for the trouble. I'll check with our team and find out what they suggest. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Moderator Moderator

Thanks for your patience! Our team let me know that F45 alerted us that they had a minor server issue that impacted the syncing from their app to Strava. Per their update to us the issue has since been resolved and your activities should sync as normal going forward.

As for your impacted activities we have followed up with F45 to see if they are able to backfill any uploads that failed during the server issues. At this time we have not had an update from them. If you do not see your impacted activities synching over, you will need to contact F45 directly. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I’ve had issues with F45 workouts automatically syncing for the last few workouts. What can I do? I’ve updated both apps. 
