the Strava authentication in my windows app CR4NKUP is not working anymore. The app was built in Unity and uses the Vuplex Webengine ( https://developer.vuplex.com/webview/overview ). When the user wants to connect his Strava account for uploading activities to Strava the InApp Webbrowser is opened with the Authentication url and according parameters and the user has to authorize. My app handles then the upload of the activities to Strava and takes care about token refresh, etc. Everything was working fine for more than one year. But since about two months the Authentication does not work anymore.
When the Strava page is opened in the InApp webbrowser and the user enters his credentials (email) the page shows an error instead of the next page to enter the password. The error is something like this (translation from German to English):
Unexpected Error. Please try again later.

If I use the url for authentication directly in the browser everything works fine.
Were there any changes on Strava side during the last months which causes this error?? There were no changes on my side or in the App, so why is this not working anymore? Is Strava blocking requests from Apps?
Upload from already connected users is still working fine btw.
This is really annoying for my users, because new users can’t connect their Strava accounts and don’t upload their activities.
Help is really appreciated!