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Give the option of grouping multiple activities from the same day in one post to avoid clogging up the feed with warm ups/cool downs etc. 

Activities grouped together would be able viewed separately when clicked on, or could be scrolled through by swiping through on the feed screen. This would allow athletes to separate their activities on their watch if that's what they prefer to do, while reducing the amount of separate activities for the day and still sharing the information about all parts of the run.

I like this for multiple situations.  The most common would be multi-sport events like duathlons and triathlons. As it is, a triathlon gets split into at least 3 and sometimes 5 (if you post your transitions to track the splits) separate “activities”.  Another reason is what I am doing today.  Today is my birthday, so I am doing a series of activities that match up to my age.  Swimming 4,600 yards, running 4.6 miles, and biking 46 miles.  This is coming in as 4 (swim is split between two sessions due to time availability) activities that will be spread out in the feed across the day.  It would be more fun to post these as one group/set together.

Yes so true - I'm personally not a triathlete but was thinking it would be useful for those sessions too!

Made an account to suggest this, want this feature so bad

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