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I recently searched for an old activity which I did whilst on holiday last year. I scrolled back through my activities but it was not there, so then I checked on Garmin connect and discovered it was not there either. Of more concern was there were no activities for my holiday on either Strava or Garmin, even though I know I recorded many walks and can remember attaching photos to them to share with friends.

Further checks show I have lost activities for many other holidays, despite knowing I previously synced them and remember seeing them on my Strava dashboard. In fact it seems that for many trips all my walks have been lost although I do see a few runs still exist.

I am not sure how this can be. The feed from Garmin Connect to Strava I have read is one-way, so once it has synced it would need to be independantly deleted from each feed. And I never delete activities.

It was only when I recently subscribed to that I noticed this. It confirmed to me I had no activity in countries/locations I knew I had recorded walks in. I am lost as to how this could occur and if they may still exist somewhere from which they could be retrieved.

I am now worried I may loose more activities.

Has anyone else had a similar experience or have suggestions on how I might resolve this?

I haven't had a similar issue but I can tell you that Garmin's API is read-only, so there's no way any 3rd party app would be able to delete your data from there.

I unfortunately don't have much in the way of suggestions other than to make sure you don't have any filters or anything disabled when you search. Both Strava and Garmin have calendar views, maybe try and go to the exact date(s) those instead of searching?

@ActivityFix just a note, Garmin Connect API definitely isn't read only - e.g. RunGap can write (I’m using it to sync my non-Garmin activities to Connect). I’m just a user, not a developer, and have no idea about all consequences (i.e. whether the write permission implies also delete) but it's certainly not read-only. 

@Jana_S The current version (GCDP) is read-only. Before it was opened up more widely to developers the “old” Garmin API allowed activity uploads and write access which is how apps like RunGap can still send activities to GC. Larger commercial apps still have access to that API.

To my knowledge, Garmin does not allow *any* app (new or old) to delete activities, similar to how the Strava API doesn’t allow 3rd party apps to delete an activity. In general most APIs don’t allow delete access as it opens up a huge security hole.
