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Updates on FATMAP integration?


Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if there are any updates on the integration of FATMAP into Strava?
We're still missing features like avalanche maps, slope gradient, topographic maps, etc.

Thanks in advance for any info!

26 replies

  • Hub Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • November 23, 2024

Is anyone else missing the functionality of Fatmap this winter? I’m back to using Google Earth for an oblique view of mountain terrain, but I really loved the the elevation and avalanche overlays in Fatmap.  Can some of the original Fatmap features be incorporated into the Strava map?

  • Hub Rookie
  • 4 replies
  • November 25, 2024

Hi- I’m so confused - I can’t see ANY trace of Fatmap on the Strava app. How are you seeing all the winter slopes etc? Thanks for your help!!, L

  • Author
  • Hub Rookie
  • 19 replies
  • November 26, 2024


None of Fatmap's features have been migrated to Strava yet. I think someone from the staff should give us an update on when we can expect any news because, as of now, there’s absolutely no trace of Fatmap on Strava.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 4 replies
  • November 26, 2024

Ha! Strava have marked this conversation as ‘solved’. WTF

  • Hub Rookie
  • 4 replies
  • November 26, 2024

Ok cheers.

Business as usual for a 1.5 Billion dollar company then.

What a joke!

  • Author
  • Hub Rookie
  • 19 replies
  • November 26, 2024

Hi L,

I’ve already canceled my subscription. I recommend checking out apps like Caltopo or Outmap. Outmap (iOS/Android) has features like slope angle, slope aspect, avalanche risk, flat areas, and excellent 3D maps. I think it’s the closest alternative to Fatmap we currently have for winter sports.

Hope this helps!


  • Superuser
  • 75 replies
  • November 28, 2024

Hi ​@npinchak 

after the takeover of FATMAP, STRAVA shut down FATMAP and wants to gradually integrate the features of FATMAP into SRAVA. Obviously not everything has been transferred yet.
Maybe this information will help?

  • Hub Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • November 28, 2024

Thanks ​@cy-linder, that’s good to know. Still, I wonder when more features will be added. It’s been over a year since we’ve known Fatmap would be taken down. The 3D imagery on the desktop map is pretty good, but it’s harder to navigate without arrow keys. And missing the awesome Fatmap overlays... Just hope they will bring these features back.

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  • Hub Rookie
  • 19 replies
  • December 12, 2024

@strava @scout any news? Really?


Winter is here again but sadly this year when I went to open my favourite winter app I see it’s gone, and for some reason I’m sent to my sometimes useful summer app. 😒

but sadly none of the features I relied on are here, no backcountry routes no resort trails nothing I relied on each winter (sometimes to get myself out of some trickery situations). 
I would have thought with such an acquisition they’d get at least the minimum features across but no but I guess it wasn’t planned so well..

I guess we all will question the reason for the acquisition, could it be the users? I doubt it, I’m positive all 1.5M FATMAP users already have Strava installed. The tech? More likely, but they seem to have failed on that one. This year like me those who didn’t have a Strava subscription will be forced to try the free month, where like me they’ll remember that Strava is not a backcountry app and like me they’ll cancel before the trail ends. Next season will we be back? I doubt it. Good opportunity for the competition to FATMAP to up their game and take on a share of those users I guess. For me now it’s back to good old GPS topo maps for my planning, good skills never die even when a great app makes them redundant (for a time).

Anyway alas FATMAP I’ll miss you, a great app with a great name. You’ll be remembered.

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • December 30, 2024

Bring back fatmap! Why would you deprecate and shut down the app before integrating the features into Strava? The company is hurting its backcountry users. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • January 14, 2025

I also miss FATMAP so much and feel completely disappointed with this acquisition, as it seems that a great backcountry app has been killed.

I know that integrations take some time, but is this going to happen at any time? If not, byebye Strava and thanks for nothing.

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • January 19, 2025

I subscribed to Strava only for Fatmap’s features so if there won’t be Fatmap functionality or at least clear time schedule I won’t renew Strava subscription. I don’t need yet another Facebook.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 8 replies
  • January 23, 2025

Map layers need to be added for slope angle/avalanche, aspect, distance, flats, gradient, snow depth, snow accumulation. These are crucial for backcountry travel (specifically skiing) and were available in fatmap and should be migrated over into strava since fatmap was shut down.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 8 replies
  • January 23, 2025

Migrate fatmap public ski routes to strava - backcountry, alpine skiing, more. These routes were a wonderful knowledgebase of routes, beta, and more for all over the world. It would be amazing to have them available in strava now that fatmap is shut down.

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  • Hub Rookie
  • 19 replies
  • January 23, 2025
GeoJan wrote:

I subscribed to Strava only for Fatmap’s features so if there won’t be Fatmap functionality or at least clear time schedule I won’t renew Strava subscription. I don’t need yet another Facebook.

No wonder you don’t want to renew your subscription. Strava hasn’t kept its word. There isn’t a single FatMap feature integrated, and they don’t engage with the community. It’s disappointing.

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • January 27, 2025
Rocnateb wrote:
GeoJan wrote:

I subscribed to Strava only for Fatmap’s features so if there won’t be Fatmap functionality or at least clear time schedule I won’t renew Strava subscription. I don’t need yet another Facebook.

No wonder you don’t want to renew your subscription. Strava hasn’t kept its word. There isn’t a single FatMap feature integrated, and they don’t engage with the community. It’s disappointing.

I agree, very disappointing, I already cancelled the renew of my subscription. Strava is in fact solely for running, swimming and biking. Any other sport is just an appendix to them.


BRING BACK FATMAP. Tfe functionality and information detail of the Strava maps are severely lacking.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 3524 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Hello and thanks to everyone who has posted here. We appreciate your enthusiasm for these features.

We are in the process of integrating FATMAP's 3D map - including winter satellite maps and terrain tools - into the map screens within the Strava app and website. FATMAP's 3D map is already visible in Strava's Flyover feature, and now includes the ability to pause and modify flight speed. You can also see FATMAP's 3D map images in the Strava feed.

In addition, FATMAP route content, excluding user-generated content, will be moved to Strava. We are currently working on the new home for these routes so they can be used seamlessly within the Strava app.

Certain FATMAP features will not be available in Strava in time for the Northern Hemisphere winter including waypoints, personal guidebooks, national Topo maps (including IGN and OS maps), offline map downloads of the FATMAP map and live snow and piste information. We are exploring adding these and similar features to Strava in the future.

  • Author
  • Hub Rookie
  • 19 replies
  • January 30, 2025
Jane wrote:

Hello and thanks to everyone who has posted here. We appreciate your enthusiasm for these features.

We are in the process of integrating FATMAP's 3D map - including winter satellite maps and terrain tools - into the map screens within the Strava app and website. FATMAP's 3D map is already visible in Strava's Flyover feature, and now includes the ability to pause and modify flight speed. You can also see FATMAP's 3D map images in the Strava feed.

In addition, FATMAP route content, excluding user-generated content, will be moved to Strava. We are currently working on the new home for these routes so they can be used seamlessly within the Strava app.

Certain FATMAP features will not be available in Strava in time for the Northern Hemisphere winter including waypoints, personal guidebooks, national Topo maps (including IGN and OS maps), offline map downloads of the FATMAP map and live snow and piste information. We are exploring adding these and similar features to Strava in the future.


I appreciate your response, but I believe it is late and insufficient.

  • Flyover: It contributes absolutely nothing to the FatMap community. We need a planning tool, not a social tool to see what we have done.
  • Certain FATMAP features will not be available in Strava in time for the Northern Hemisphere winter: At the very least, it is reckless to have removed a safety tool for the community in the middle of winter without having a minimum alternative.

I’m sorry to be so harsh, but it’s unfortunate how this has been handled by Strava. For the record, I was previously a subscriber of both Strava and FatMap. I didn’t mind paying for two applications. Now, I have canceled my Strava subscription and subscribed to GaiaGPS.

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • January 31, 2025

I just discovered today that, after acquiring fatmaps, Strava went ahead and essentially deleted it. The ENTIRE PURPOSE of fatmaps was to provide, literal, life-saving information for navigating backcountry terrain in the winter, where slope gradient IS AN ENTIRELY CRITICAL element of safe travel. Not only do strava maps and route making capabilities LACK THE GRADIENT OVERLAY, they don’t even allow you to make off-piste routes - you can only draw on existing, “known” trails. The claim of acquiring fatmaps “to make outdoor travel more accessible” is absolute bull until these features are reinstated. 

STRAVA: I implore you to hire someone who participates in backcountry winter sports - skiing, boarding, snowmobiling, whatever - who understands JUST HOW CRITICAL IT IS TO BE ABLE TO SEE SLOPE GRADIENT WHEN PLANNING A BACKCOUNTRY ROUTE who will reinstate this feature or just bring the fatmaps app back. Otherwise it seems inevitable that I will be foregoing my strava subscription for something like OnX backcountry. 


Strava prentended to integrate FATMAP to their application 4 months ago.

Can someone from STRAVA staff can assume telling us that it won’t happen ?

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • February 9, 2025
Jane wrote:

Hello and thanks to everyone who has posted here. We appreciate your enthusiasm for these features.

We are in the process of integrating FATMAP's 3D map - including winter satellite maps and terrain tools - into the map screens within the Strava app and website. FATMAP's 3D map is already visible in Strava's Flyover feature, and now includes the ability to pause and modify flight speed. You can also see FATMAP's 3D map images in the Strava feed.

In addition, FATMAP route content, excluding user-generated content, will be moved to Strava. We are currently working on the new home for these routes so they can be used seamlessly within the Strava app.

Certain FATMAP features will not be available in Strava in time for the Northern Hemisphere winter including waypoints, personal guidebooks, national Topo maps (including IGN and OS maps), offline map downloads of the FATMAP map and live snow and piste information. We are exploring adding these and similar features to Strava in the future.

Well the answer sort of indicates that the big monster didn’t fully understand the actual value of the small fish it swallowed… 
Avalanche grading of terrain has saved several lives all over the snowy part of the world. You have taken away an important tour planning and navigation tool for the backcountry skiing community, that’s something for the developers to think of when they are planning their next sprint.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 8 replies
  • February 10, 2025
Jane wrote:

Hello and thanks to everyone who has posted here. We appreciate your enthusiasm for these features.

We are in the process of integrating FATMAP's 3D map - including winter satellite maps and terrain tools - into the map screens within the Strava app and website. FATMAP's 3D map is already visible in Strava's Flyover feature, and now includes the ability to pause and modify flight speed. You can also see FATMAP's 3D map images in the Strava feed.

In addition, FATMAP route content, excluding user-generated content, will be moved to Strava. We are currently working on the new home for these routes so they can be used seamlessly within the Strava app.

Certain FATMAP features will not be available in Strava in time for the Northern Hemisphere winter including waypoints, personal guidebooks, national Topo maps (including IGN and OS maps), offline map downloads of the FATMAP map and live snow and piste information. We are exploring adding these and similar features to Strava in the future.


Thank you for the response. How soon can we expect this first bit of fatmap features to be released?? I think prioritizing offline map area downloads (including routes) should be important. Most backcountry zones I enter have no cell I NEED to be able to have offline maps for safe travel in the backcountry (avoiding avalanche terrain, seeing different routes, etc). Piste info would also be nice to have, as when skiing at a new ski resort can be confusing and this can help with navigation (but not nearly as important as offline maps, and all of the map layers that fatmap had like aspect, slope angle, etc).


Also - fatmap should not have been shut down until these were released. 


I am commenting on this thread, as I have also mentioned this issue on several different threads.

Again I’d like to echo the thoughts of several individuals in this group. Strava have bought and removed an essential tool from the community. Why on earth did they close the app down if they hadn’t sorted the integration first into Strava.

This has left the mountaineering sports community without an essential tool during the winter, and the least they can do is pay subscribers an estimation on the project timeline. If there is no timeline, then I’d question if they’re ever going to employ this at all to customers.

Kind regards - one very disappointment customer


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