Dear Strava Support Team,
My name is Seokwon Jung, and I live in Seoul, South Korea.
Since the end of the pandemic, I have fully embraced running as a hobby and began using the Strava app last year while preparing for a full marathon.
Currently, I work as a leasing manager for brand stores during the day time weekday, a graduate student researching urban commercial districts and real estate using big data and GIS at night, and an as a runner and marathon enthusiast on weekends, enjoying the Strava app.
Given my background, I have recently become highly interested in Seoul’s running environment. Specific areas such as Hangang river Park and Seoul Forest are forming running communities, which have even attracted related brand antenna shops. Additionally, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has been implementing policies like “Runner’s Station at Yoeyido metro” or “WristDoctor 9988” to foster a better running environment.
As such, I would like to analyze Seoul’s running (jogging) environment using Strava Heatmap data to identify causal relationships behind these trends. Furthermore, I aim to compare Seoul with other cities by leveraging global articles on similar topics.
For this reason, I have submitted a data request and collaboration inquiry to Strava Metro. )
(that time I used ID : Emart / E-mail address on my Company)
However, understanding that you likely receive a high volume of inquiries, I wanted to follow up with this message as well.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Seokwon Jung