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If I go to the Strava Athlete Heatmaps page, I am seeing some strange behavior where some Rides are being shown when I filter for Runs only. It seems like this happens for 2016 and earlier years (and therefore also shows up for the "All-time" option)

For example, here'a screenshot showing that I ran around Lake Tahoe. I have sadly not done something so epic..

Anyone else seeing this bug? Can someone from Strava take a look? Thanks!

Hello, I am using heatmap plugin of folium and it is generating incorrect output by ignoring the weights of the locations. As I understand it is due to underlying js which is not loading correctly and ignoring weights. I will appreciate if someone can suggest a workaround.

I would really appreciate a working solution. From a aditi international courier tracking status simple code below I get the right picture instead of left from my attachment.
figure; heatmap([1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]);
It works with pdf but I need word format.
Thanks in advance!


Hello dantsai,

Thanks for posting about this!  We're not aware currently of any others experiencing this issue.  Could you try re-generating your Run heatmap to see if the problem persists?  

If it does, please submit a support ticket and we’ll be happy to work with you to investigate further.


Thanks, Jane, I filed a support ticket. I am still seeing this behavior.
