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Steps to repeat:

  1. Activities are private by default.
  2. Click “Mute Activity” on either phone or web.
  3. Select “Everyone” as audience type.
  4. Click “Save”

Result: People who have selected you as a “Favorite” receive notification that you uploaded an activity.


  1. Activities are private by default
  2. Click “Mute Activity”
  3. Click “Save”
  4. Go back and select “Everyone” as audience type.
  5. Click Save again.

The reason one might want to be able to mute an activity, but have it be public is that private activities do not count for challenges…. but you don't want to annoy your friends by “cluttering up the feed” with shorter, less interesting activities.

Thanks for this observation, now I know why I get sometimes kudos immediately after I mute a ride and publish it to everyone at the same moment. I will take the workaround in the future so that nobody will be informed about my activity until all the achievements are properly calculated and I unmute the ride.

Unfortunately the workaround doesn’t work around the problem. Today I saved my private ride as muted, after that I published it to everyone and saved again. A wew seconds afterwards I got a kudo so at least one follower obviously was notified anyway.

Let me play devil's advocate:  This is not a bug, the system is working as intended.  Mute was only engineered to suppress activities from showing in activity feeds.  Here's the relevant help article:  (helpdesk article on mute)   No mention was/is made of profile pages, leaderboards or those push notifications that somebody has uploaded a ride, those areas are not muted by design. 
