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To Strava Statistics - average time / week, yearly time etc - rank activities moving time or elapsed time?

Hello @Norden 

Thanks for your post.  I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.  Could you provide more information about where you're viewing your statistics on Strava?  Thanks.

Hey @Norden
Please provide additional info if you need further assistance. 

This can be a request I'd like to join.

I remember statistics on Endomondo a couple of years ago. There were sooooo many possibilities. You could track several attributes e.g. number of workouts, energy, kilometers, avg speed even your body measures in a single chart. You could combine several filters in one chart. Let's say I wanted to see my marathon distance progress. Then I could filter workout distance to a value between 42 and 43 kilometers.

Basic statistics I miss here: Total workouts, distance and time per week, month, and year. I just want to see my progress. This month and X months to the history. This year, the previous year and a number of years before.

Statistics "All time" > verse "Time": 726h31m - this are aggregated moving times or elapsed times?


Sorry for late answer. Please see attached foto. Position time in Strava Statistics - it is moving time or elapsed time?

Please see attached foto. Position time in Strava Statistics - it is moving time or elapsed time?
