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Problems editing a Segment ?

  • March 19, 2025
  • 1 reply

  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies

There still seem to be a few glitches with the revised Segment creation tool that was released a few weeks ago.  I recently realised that a Segment I created a while ago would be better if it was slightly shorter (the finish was a bit too close to an obstacle).  I therefore tried to edit it to reduce the length by about 10 metres (the length is about 600 m).  When I tried to save it I got an error saying it was too similar to an existing Segment and so would not be saved.  I don’t think there are any other similar Segments so I think the problem is that it was too similar to the original version before I started editing it 🤦‍♂️.  Hence the question - how should I make small changes to existing Segments ?  I suppose one way would be to delete the Segment and create a new version from scratch (I don’t know how I would find the Activity the original was created from, and it may have been deleted).

While on the subject, could someone PLEASE reinstate the functionality that the Segment creator re-centres the map on the appropriate Segment end when I toggle between start and finish adjustments ? (I am so used to the old system that I now find I am constantly zooming out (to find the end) and zooming back in) 

1 reply

  • Author
  • Hub Adventurer
  • 69 replies
  • March 19, 2025

I had an idea to solve my problem - first edit the Segment to make the desired small change to the finish and also make a large (unwanted) change to the start point.  Then edit a second time to move the start point back to where it should be.  I tried this just now - the first part worked fine, but moving the start back to its original position failed, because the resulting Segment would be too similar to another one (presumably the superseded version of the same Segment).  Hence I now have a version of the Segment that is not at all what I want 🤨


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