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Hey all,

I have been trying to get this figured out and I am stumped.  My emergency contact accidentally responded "off" to the automated Strava Beacon text and now they are no longer receiving my strava beacons when I head out for a run.  

Anyone else dealt with this?  Do you have any ideas on how to reenable the strava beacon texts? I use a garmin and have had no previous issues.


Hi Tyleet,

Thanks for posting about this.  Our Support Team can help you resolve this issue.  

Please submit a support ticket and we’ll be happy to help.

I have the exact same problem.

I have the exact same problem.

I have the exact same problem for certain weeks now!

Raised a ticket Request #3198908 but issue still remains.

For what it’s worth some background here:

It has been almost one month my safety contact reported not receiving beacons any longer for my activities. My watch is Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro.

I have removed the safety contact & re-added, as well as adding my own number & re-enabling beacon.

Got a couple of beacons sent at first but stopped again. 

Up to this very moment no beacons sent/received for the last week despite of being active!

Are you also having issues with beacons not being sent?

I will appreciate any help, thanks!


