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Hi, this has happened again and I am getting annoyed by whatever Strava is doing with my team runs uploaded from garmin. Picture this:

runner A (garmin) and runner B (polar) run the same trail, have the same pace, same pauses, everything is basically the same. Stats in both garmin and polar app are nearly identical - obviously, we ran together. Yet on strava, my (garmin) activity is 52 MINUTES longer than my friends. Like how is that possible if we ran arm by arm? His average moving pace in Strava reflects exactly what his polar app says, in my case, according to strava - I am 30% slower than him. Where is the logic in this?



Hey, it looks like the difference is in the "moving time" which Strava uses to calculate the pace... if you click the "view analysis" button, you'll see that the "elapsed time" is the same for both of you - so it looks like each device is pausing differently, Polar (auto)pausing much more frequently, making the "moving pace" seemingly faster.  - Does it make sense?


Hey @Bliss,

Going along with @Jana_Spoint of multiple pauses at different spots, when viewing the analysis of your garmin activity I noticed a GPS interruption that isn't represented in your Polar activity. This adds to the moving time difference between both devices as well.
