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My runs are properly syncing into my activities but randomly showing up on the home page. 

I did check to see if there are data validation problems, but I can't find any. 

Any thoughts?

Thank you,



Hi @cody12, is there a chance that you've accidentally “muted” the activities that aren't showing on the timeline / home page? 

It's the last item on the Edit Activity screen:



Hi Jana, 


Thank you for the answer and I just tried todays run and made sure mute was off and visabilty was everyone and I got the same exact behavior. As soon as I click the accept button the run comes off of my feed. 

Only to cover the basics: Did you scroll down the feed long enough in order to find the missing activities? 

Yes I did you can see where my other non running activities are in the feed.. 

Based on what @Jan_Mantau said, I’ve recalled that some people were commenting on / complaining about a relatively recent change in the feed ordering, making them scroll forever to find a particular activity. @cody12 if you could try one more thing please - go to the tab You > ⚙️(top right) > Feed Ordering, and switch to Latest Activities. If it doesn't help, it's probably a bug and it would be worth reaching out to Strava support...

That might have been it, thank you. 
