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Hello, i have a problem with year in sport.

I cant share it for some reason it keeps loading when i click to what i want to share it.

Anyone else got this problem? And so how to fix it

Same thing here. Frustrating.

Have same problem, tried logging out, restarting strava, but nothing helps

Hello @TheGreatGuy,

Thank you for surfacing that you are having trouble sharing your Year in Sport using the Strava app. Our team has found that some athletes with devices that are on the older side of the spectrum may encounter trouble when generating images to share. To address this trouble we have some instructions to try:

  1. Re-install the Strava app: Remove the app from your phone, turn off the device, then power the phone back on to re-install the Strava app.

  2. Force quit backgrounded apps: Ensuring that no other apps are running in the background should increase the amount of resources available to your phone to generate the images.

  3. Share individual cards: Use the share option in the upper right when viewing individual cards or slides from the presentation. Generating an individual image to share may be easier to complete than using the sharing option at the end of the presentation which generates multiple images.

While involving more steps that using the dedicated Share option, capturing screenshots of the cards/slides you would like to share and then cropping out any unwanted UI elements is another way to share your Year in Sport. Use the following links for information on how to capture a screenshot on an Android phone or an iPhone.

If your Year in Sport issues are not resolved by these troubleshooting steps, we invite you to submit a support ticket and someone from Strava Support will work with you directly to troubleshoot further.

Hi Charles. 

Thanks for the workarounds. I'll try and see if it works.

But I'd like to point that the information that this is occurring only in older devices is not accurate. I have a brand new Samsung Galaxy S23 that I'm using for less than 2 weeks and I'm having the same issue, as I already pointed out. 



Same issues here. I can't share anything from Strava, not only the year in sport stats... Tried on 2 devices but the result is same.

Same problem with a Samsung s20 FE Android 13

Hi all,
I'm facing the exact same problem, with a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (if this one is lacking resources to share a few images... no other phone will be able to do it!). Don't know why but I couldn't share more than 4 pictures...
I submitted a support ticket and Charles basically gave the same answers as above.
I ended up sharing 4 by 4 images via Gmail, saved the pictures and then publish all of them in one publication on Strava... not very convenient, I agree, but it worked... Hope that helped!

Can we please have Year in Sport back for more than 6 days into the new year? I was waiting until after Dec 31 to save a snapshot of my highlights to keep next to the ones from the past several years, but obviously it’s been taken down now as it’s Jan 7. I understand why it’s released in early December, but the year’s not over yet then! Just another week at least...

Hi ​@uncbrian 

Apologies for any confusion. Year in Sport for 2024 is no longer available for view.