04-11-2024 06:59 AM
I'm trying to analyse how much time an athlete spends in a specific power zone based on athlete's zone.
When pulling an activity with "getZonesByActivityId" the distribution_buckets values do not match the athlete zones, they are just fixed buckets 0-50, 50-100, 100-150, 150-200 ...
The zones for heartrate data are correctly matching the athlete's zone but the power data is not.
Any idea why this is happening?
06-01-2024 11:12 AM - edited 06-01-2024 11:16 AM
I would say it's intentionally, maybe it's easier that way for them.
06-01-2024 01:36 PM
Heartrate data is split correctly and it's pretty much the same amount of data.
06-01-2024 11:16 PM
The documentation says nothing about using the athletes own zones so there is no correct or incorrect here.
06-01-2024 08:51 AM
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