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Mt. Kenya
Status: Open To Voting
  1. If you get a time EQUAL to your personal best on a segment. Why not simply say this is ALSO your personal best, and show a gold PB medal?

  2. Now imagine you have a KOM on a certain segment. If you get this exact same time again, it will only show as a silver PB medal, rather than a gold KOM crown. Why not simply say this is EQUAL to the KOM, and show a gold KOM crown again?

  3. Now imagine you ride 1 second slower on this same KOM segment. This will be the 2nd best time ever. But since you already have the KOM, it will only show as a mere silver medal. Why not give priority to the leaderboard ranking, and show a coveted 2nd place cup instead?

1. It's named PR for "Personal Record", not PB for "Personal Best" and it isn't a new record with the same time again

2. Okay, tying the own XOM could be honored

3. This would go in the direction of a leaderboard where not only the best effort of each athlete counts but each effort is listed separately. In this way it could be am interesting idea, because it wouldn't apply to the 1st and 2nd only, you could get many ranks for the same segment all over the top 10 and beyond with this appoach.

Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Note: The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. 

Thank you again.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Thanks for taking to time to read my suggestion @Jan_Mantau and @Jane 🙂

I'm sorry for using the wrong terminology, but indeed I mean PR. I still think that equalling your PR should ALSO count as a PR. Why would the record only be the first time that you acchieve this? This would also be more consistent with how the global leaderboard are assessed, right? When you tie the KOM, you are still rewarded KOM (and rightly so), and not a second place cup because it isn't really a completely new record...

This wouldn't only be more rewarding when reviewing your own efforts, but at the same time it could be a great solution for when the leaderboards (both global and personal) become more and more cluttered, right?

This positive way of assessing times and efforts could also easily be applied to the recently introduced "personal best" section.

PS: I happened to me again yesterday. I did a mightly effort on a segment, only to tie my PR. My PR is the 6th best time ever, but in my ride results it now shows as an inconspicuous silver medal. And to be honest, this doesn't look nearly as impressive. I can imagine many people share this frustration...