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Status: Open To Voting

Does anyone else find it annoying to see one random activity from a year ago in your feed?

This should be optional. Some people might get motivated by seeing what they did on this day last year, but I find it distracting when reviewing my activity log. Some of the are short commutes, which I definitely don’t need to reminisce about. If people want this, they could turn it on, but since it has been added to my activity feed it’s diminished my experience of the activity feed. 


"Not every memory is a happy one", and ones that were can be completely transformed, "a minefield" is exactly what this feels like. I think I will be avoiding the app and only using the website until this gets fixed, I can understand the intent behind this feature but the potential for triggering trauma is kinda absurd.

Mt. Kenya

Yes, showing a flashback activity in my feed is annoying. It’s annoying enough that I took time out of my day to search for a way to turn the feature off and come here and comment.

Mt. Kenya

Agree this should be optional!! Strava is a diary for me and so many I know and sometimes diary entries shouldn’t be reread without forethought! 

Mt. Kenya

Strava, please allow us the option to toggle this feature on/off, or to be hidden/accessed by choice if you desire. Users should be able to choose if they want to/are able to engage with prior content. Without this feature, we are able to choose when to look back from searching our prior activities. Sometimes having older activities pop up can be a neat feature, but also it can bring back deep pain when a prior day/activity is forced into your feed. Allowing users an option to not have to see this content would be compassionate. 



Mt. Kenya

And if it wasn't enough, I am even getting workouts from two years ago on my timeline!

I guess we do not have enough votes for making this 'feature' optional or Strava is just not listening.

Mt. Kenya

Agree!  I can't stand this "feature" - please allow us to opt out.  

Mt. Kenya

I want to add my vote to this ticket. Enable us to deactivate 'On this day' activities. It takes up so much room in the app - why do you assume that we want to see an activity we did a couple years ago? I want to see only current activities, because that's where my mind is at right now. If I want to see historic activities, I can use the search function. Appreciate others may be different so please make it optional.

Mt. Kenya

Completely agree, should be an option to turn on for those who want it, not a must have. Depending what you've Strava'd back in the day you are seeing walks, runs etc with ex partners, potentially family no longer with you or just a poor run you don't need reminding of, either way, whatever your opinion is, an option to enable/disable just makes sense. Regards James.

Mt. Kenya

Please make this optional.  It can be painful and distracting for many people

Mt. Kenya

Just another upvote to make this an optional setting. 

Or, at a minimum, they need to make these items more obvious. Perhaps the historic tiles could have an orange background instead of white? Or maybe condense it somehow, such as making them 1/2 the height of a normal activity.  

if we have to help this feature, they need to make it intuitively obvious to distinguish the old from new items. It’s human centered design 101! 

the current design is like a Norman Door. Hopefully Strava’s designers know what I mean. 

Mt. Kenya

I agree 


I love this feature. especially when its a surf i had on holiday 🌊 Great memories 


"I love this feature. especially when its a surf i had on holiday 🌊 Great memories ", cool, does that mean you think it should not be optional? I also appreciate this feature when it surfaces a good (and especially forgotten) memory, but when life is not only made of good memories being able to opt-in is quite preferable I feel. Not allowing control over this feature is senseless and insensitive.

Mt. Kenya

The activity from 1 year ago on the activities page is a good idea but on the other hand it's pointless for some. It would be great to give users the option to turn that feature off? 

