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Status: Open To Voting

I'm start to being a strava suscriber thinking about that this was integrated... but it doesn't so hope this can be a new feature soon...

Create challenges by the club, not by the person.

Other things that would be nice: allow to join only members of the club and allow to update a photo for better experience (like strava club challenge do and some few verify clubs too). When the runner complete or win the challenge they take and show it like a trophy too.



Retiro Running

Hey! The new challenges features is great however one thing that doesn't make sense is that you can't create a challenge in a club.

Clubs are great for organising IRL and virtual groups of friends who like to workout together. I want to be able to create a challenge for club members around a common goal and to incentivise more activity in the club.

At the very least, a workaround could be to have a feature to "invite the member list of a club" to a challenge, but that also is not possible and therefore requires remembering the list of members and manually searching each one. This is a bad workaround of course. The challenge should be in the club without duplicating the member list over.

One other small request I'll put here is to allow viewing of custom challenges on desktop. Right now, it's only public strava-created challenges e.g. this. I've noticed that the notifications for comments in custom challenges are filtered out of the desktop notifications as the page doesn't exist 🙂



Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator


​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Add the ability to setup challenges for clubs. I am part of a few clubs that consist of 150 to 200 people and are distributed across the US and other countries. Due to this local events work okay but would love the ability to create a challenge for the entire club that allowed folks to participate as a larger group.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thank you @retirorunning  for taking the time to submit this idea. The status has been changed to Under Consideration which means:

Aligns with our current initiatives and is being discussed by our product team.

More information on the idea process can be found in Community Guide to Ideas.


@Soren @Jane Hi! Would really love for club challenges to be ready for run season coming up in the Fall! We do a big run in October with ah.mi Health and unfortunately we will have have to use the Nike Run Club app if Strava doesn't have this capability 😞 - last year we had over 120 sign-ups for this November challenge, and this year we expect 200+. Even as a band-aid if we can create a challenge with over 25 participants on Strava that would be extremely helpful for now and then you all can figure out how to create club challenges later on. Let me know - really hoping for this before November! 🙂

Mt. Kenya

I believe this is brilliant idea.

Personally I'm trying to engage people at work to get up from cauch and start doing any form of activity.

Keeping them fully on board and turn every small activity i.e. morning walk with a dog into a daily habit is the biggest challenge by far. It's great I can create personal challenges, but I can request to join only people who follow myself, even so if they do accept they only have option to create/join only 3 private challenges if they have free account. 

I do understand that Strava needs to make revenue, however limiting such functionalities to keep new people motivated so that eventually they will switch onto premium account is a key. 

Hence the idea - give club owners/admins option to create challenges for that club, but set some limits i.e. if club has 100+ members then start asking to pay club owner some small fees as obviously it can be considered as form of marketing activity to potentially sell some products offered by brand behind a club. Or just do some due diligence whatever you think may be appropriate, but simply give Strava key functionalities/features back to the community 


Yes please. I am also trying my best to promote cycling to work at my workplace.

I would also be really nice if clubs can also give out digital trophies for completing the challenges.


@Rehman LOVE the idea of digital trophies!! Something that is easily shareable on social would be awesome! 

Mt. Kenya

A club challenge is a great idea! I recently got a free month of the subscription service. Lacking functionality like not being able to have club challenges is a differentiating factor in me continuing with the subscription. People want to engage in challenges with their friends and peers. Please consider this!


@Stevetflanagan we currently have a feature called Group Challenges for up to 25 participants, and we're looking into implementing challenges for clubs, so stay tuned!

Mt. Kenya

@Soren completely understood. The problem is needing to add individuals one at a time when a club exists which is the specific intent of OP's post. 

Appreciate your brief response and I'm sure we would all love to know a bit more about the timeline for implementing club challenges, whenever you're allowed to disclose that. 

Mt. Kenya

I am part of a local running club, we have a club account on Strava posting news and event invites via the platform to our members. We host and participate in a number of inter-club events.

My suggested feature is to allow a Digital Finishers Badge to be created by the club and earned by participates with greater customisation. This could be as simple as creating a challenge that users can be invited to "Complete {{segment}} between 9am-11am on DD/MM/YY to earn {{badge.png}}" Note: routes can change last minute, so awarding would need to accommodate that.

Also, this will allow Strava to engage with the big events promotions that are now all discouraging physical medals for environmental reasons.

In general, I believe the challenges/rewards section of Strava to ripe for all sorts of innovation an opportunity. Drop me a line if you're hiring 😉

Mt. Kenya

Another request to be able to create challenges as a club not a person please! Also for over 25 people. This would really help grow clubs, and therefore, Strava users. Really hope you can make this a feature soon, especially as the New Year's resolutions/'new year, new you' season will soon be upon us!


This is an awesomely idea!

we opened a club for our university. Miss-understanding group challenges as club challenges. We hoped to get our employees and students even more active and promote health and sports within our community. Club challenges would be a great tool for that. Being able to invite our large group to participate in monthly challenges which is simply not possible with group challenges. Please do release this feature it would enrich the experience a lot.

Mt. Kenya

That feature is a no brainer. Really needed.