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Status: Gathering Kudos

I have a few suggestions to improve the ability to compare yourself to your previous efforts as well as to other strava riders on the same segments. The ideas apply both to people you are following as well as the public at large. 

1: It would be great if there was a normalized view designed to eliminate comparing yourself to someone's best-ever-performance that came as a result of being in a bunch group (hence, big draft), a huge tailwind, or other outlier performance day. For example, it could be compare the average of your best 10 times on the segment to average of others best 10 times. This would knock-out the outlier performances. 

2: I'd like to be able to compare my segment performance on a season basis, which would help solve the problem of PR's becoming impossible to beat after you've accumulated 50+ attempts on a segment. Something that said your average time on this segment is 5% better than last year, and 15% better than the average of the past 3 years. The overall goal is to learn whether you are improving. This feature is analogous to the ghost of yourself on Zwift segments, which pushes you to always improve. 

Mt. Kenya

That's a gréât idea. I have the same. It will be gréât to have a board and KOM with the average of our 10 best times. This idea combinate the local légende and KOM. SO that poeple who do the same segment a lot of time can have a KOM because in one time, you can have the wind that have you provide a lot avantage or a véhicule behind you,....

Status changed to: Gathering Kudos
Moderator Moderator

​​Thanks for submitting your idea. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

The idea title was edited so it will be easier for others to search and vote on. Thank you for your contribution.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I second this. I was a subscriber until the price was raised - HOWEVER if a segment average ranking was introduced, I would sign back up in a heartbeat. There are way too many segment poachers out there and they are rewarded for being an outlier because they had a tailwind one day.