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Pico de Orizaba

Ten year age bands are fine for younger athletes but as you get older these bands need to be narrower (suggest 5 years) to allow for the more rapid degradation in performance expected at this age. Surely a 64 year old can’t be expected to compete at the same level as a 55 year old. So perhaps after the 45 to 55 band it should go to 55 - 60 and 5 year increments thereafter.

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Pico de Orizaba

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Mt. Kenya

Additionally add 80+ category 


Mt. Kenya

I want to add my request to that raised by A6spot.  We need an 80+ category.  Time ain't kind and it's getting harder every day to get out there and compete for segments.  It's so much tougher when there is a 7-year age gap (I'm 82 and still have to compete with athletes who just turned 75) that's getting harder and harder to do.  Come on Strava, help an old guy out and give me a fighting chance in an 80+ age category.

Thanks for listening. 

Mt. Kenya

To Mr Raspberry,

When you reach 76 years you might sing a different tune.  That's IF you reach 76.

Mt. Kenya

I couldn't find a specific request for this feature so I'd like to suggest the creation of a 80+ age category on the Strava leaderboards.  It's becoming more difficult to compete with those youngsters within the 75+ age group. 🙂

Mt. Kenya

I agree, after 50 y.o. 5 years makes a big difference 50/54, 55/59, 60/64 etc...could  be fine

Mt. Kenya

Let’s have an over 80 age group in Segment leader board

Mt. Kenya

agree completely with JBenedict an over 80 category in the segment leader board is needed and long over-due

Mt. Kenya

Strava are to focussed on trendy window dressing and less on the immediate needs of members


Are you LISTENING.?????


Mt. Kenya

Yes, yes, and yes to those who have already suggested this idea! I'm 59 and heading on 60. I'd like to think I can still compete in the 55-65 leaderboards but reality is telling me differently. Cloud space is cheaper every day and I know the wiz kids at Strava could easily convert the 10 year age groups above 50 years to 5 year age groups.  Us old (and older) puppies would love it if you could throw us these 5 years bones.  Thank you Strava! Love all the excellent work you've done over the years!

Mt. Kenya

Another vote for starting 5 year ages at least at age 50.  Maybe 40, why not?


I think we should just have 5-year bands across the board. I imagine the only decade that hardly sees any difference from youngest to oldest is the 20s, and to a lesser extent, the 30s. But there is already a meaningful dropoff from 40 to 49 (it doesn’t suddenly start at 50). Even before that, you wouldn’t expect 13-year olds to compete with 19-year olds (I don’t know the minimum age to use Strava, but 13 is the cutoff for many online services in the US).

Crucially, all races with large numbers of participants (that I can remember) split age groups in 5-year increments. With leaderboards often featuring hundreds of users, it makes sense to just go with 5-year increments. I know Strava doesn’t do things just because it’s the widely accepted norm (*cough* scientific rounding of distances *cough*). But it would allow more people a meaningful shot at ranking in the leaderboard, while helping to keep the competition fresh and moving things along.

Finally, having varying increments for different age groups would be confusing and require another FAQ entry. Just keep it simple and make it consistent.

Mt. Kenya

I've just received a notice that subscription is increasing in price and I'm wondering why I bother with Premium when a simple and reasonable request like an 80+ age category doesn't even get a response from Strava let alone a change as requested by many subscribers.  


Mt. Kenya

I m nearing the age of 70 and and find I refer mostly to check my standing among others in my age group. With the baby boomers coming into that age group would you consider adding a 70's age group?

Thanks, Ron