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Status: Open To Voting

When creating a training plan, the output is very generic and not tailored to the individual athlete's needs. I'd like to be able to do the following:

  • Define exactly how many days a week you want to run (currently, even if I start the configuration with 6 days, the plan only includes 5)
  • Specify which day(s) in the week would be rest day(s) (currently, a generated training plan schedules rest days for Saturdays and Mondays - I want to be able to pick e.g. Friday), same with e.g. long runs
  • While keeping the major race of the season (e.g. marathon) as the ultimate goal, I still want to be able to input shorter distance races and have the rest of the plan recalculated based on that (e.g. count the race as a tempo run, schedule a recovery run for the day after)
  • If I deviate from the plan for any reason (illness, severe weather), I would like to be able to trigger a recalculation of the remainder of the plan 
  • And, ultimately, the plan should be able to build on & dynamically adjust based on the particular athlete's progress / performance, incl. specific pace for particular runs (could be based on some proven methodology, e.g. Jack Daniels' training paces)
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Status changed to: Open To Voting
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Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team