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Status: Open To Voting

Allow users to organize routes into folder.

For example, it would allow you to organize routes into regions. It should allow you to organize multiple activity types into the same folder. For example, a swim, bike, and run route all into the same folder for a triathlon.

This would allow users to easily sift through many routes.

This idea has been requested multiple times in comments of a previously delivered idea.

Mt. Kenya

Can someone at Strava please respond to the request that many of us have asked for on this?  Seems we are just communicating between ourselves and no one at Strava is listening or even cares....  A simple "we are looking into this" or "our program needs to be updated to allow and we are working on this"???  Hello Strava are you there?

Mt. Kenya

This is essential for people that have been using routes for a while. I currently have hundreds of routes, and moving often between different countries makes it really hard to search routes and organize them. After a certain number of routes, it becomes really hard to use the route feature at all. Folders are absolutely necessary. Another great feature would be sorting or filtering by geographical location.

Mt. Kenya

I'd like to be able to create multiple folders containing my routes so that I can categorize them effectively. Could sort by destination, areas unexplored, time of day, etc. I want to have such a deep backlog of routes to complete that I never step outside with a destination unknown.

Mt. Kenya

I have created over 100 routes on Strava, however there is no search function on mobile.

So I spend 10 minutes to find a route each time.

If I accidentally leave the application, I have to search for my route for 10 minutes.

I think it would be useful to add a search function to Strava mobile to easily find our routes.


Mt. Kenya

What's a shame is that many, many of you agree with my request: to be able to sort the recorded routes in the order we want and at least to have the closest to our position first.
This seems very simple to do but Strava doesn't seem to decide to implement it for some unknown reason

Mt. Kenya

Absolutely essential! In fact I also use RidewithGPS and one of the reasons is just this, folders. What would be even better would be nested folders. I'd also like to see what folder/s it was saved it when I viewed a route.  

Mt. Kenya

I've been asking for this too. Such a simple idea - the only thing I can do at the moment is use a code letter or number as the first character in the route description. Its simple but effective but something from the 1980's! Would rather have folders!!!!!!

Status changed to: Open To Voting
Moderator Moderator

We are updating this idea to reflect our new statuses. The “under consideration” status has been removed and this idea will be moved to a status of “open to voting”. We’re making this change to ensure that all ideas have a status that is clearly defined and easy to understand. Please note this change doesn’t mean that this idea has been deprioritized.

Since the Community Hub launched 2 years ago we’ve seen almost 2,000 ideas submitted to our Community Hub! Each and every one of these ideas have been read and reviewed by our team. We pay close attention to what is being voted on and the discussions that are being had. That being said, we have learned a lot as our community has grown and we’ve made some updates to our Idea Statuses.

What do the Idea Statuses mean?

Ideas can have one of the following statuses assigned to them:

  • New Idea: Newly submitted idea awaiting review by the Strava Moderation Team
  • Open to Voting: Idea has been reviewed by the Strava Moderation Team and is open to voting and commenting
  • In Development: This feature has been prioritized by our Product Team
  • Not Currently Planned: Will not be added to our product roadmap in the foreseeable future
  • Existing: This feature or functionality already exists and the thread is closed for voting
  • Delivered: This feature or functionality has been implemented

To find out more about how we manage the ideas section, please refer to our Guide to Ideas. Thank you for your contributions and being part of our community!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Confirmed, RWGP / RideWithGPS has this and that's what motivated me to take a subscription to their platform. I use this for separating vacation routes from commute, one-offs, parents place,...

Some feedback on implementation.

  • Allow adding route to a folder from the route page (RWGPS doesn't allow you to do that. You must navigate to folders and add them from there)
  • Allow a route to be in multiple folders at the same time. More like tags. 
  • RWGPS has a nice map that overlays all the routes in a folder, quite handy. 
  • Allow folders within folders
  • Smart-folders (distance filtering, "routes I've ridden", country, activity,...)
Mt. Kenya

I really love the idea of collections(if this is what you all mean by maps). Its sort of komoot collections or polarsteps. Great would be if you can share a collection while your on a thruhike or bike holiday. But about the seeking its not what i think because when you name correct, for example "LAW7-1" , "LAW7-2" , "LAW7-3" the search option(yes also in Android app) will return you all the LAW7 routes

Mt. Kenya

This is currently the third top "open to voting" idea on the list.

When will this be taken seriously by the product team and planned into the roadmap?
Is there a specific amount of kudos required for a feature request to be included on the roadmap?

PS. To all who are wondering and curious about how hard things like that can be to implement, The answer is, it depends. It can take time but it should not take some ungodly time and effort. There are plenty of things in motion that have to be taken into consideration, especially when running a decent-sized app like Strava that is available on many platforms and devices, things can get complicated. However, not unachievable.

Software Engineer

Mt. Kenya

YES please implement this idea of folders for organizing My Routes for ease of locating and not having to scroll through all that we have in our account. 

Thank you,


Mt. Kenya

Would be very useful to have a functionality that allows to sort in alphabetic order the personal saved routes, either on the web site and on the App, and to have in the App a search (filter) function of the routes, as it is available in the web access

Mt. Kenya

Add the ability to group my Routes into categories. Perhaps i like to collect all routes from a certain area in one categori/folder/tag. 

It might be a different proposal but it should also be possible to filter routes, so i like to view only routes that have a pridicted time of 1.5-2 hours, or a distance between 30-40 km and only going on road. Of find routes over 30 km long with at least 30% trails. And so on. 

Thereis alot to build here!