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Mt. Kenya
Status: Existing

It would be cool if we could find on a special tab in the app how many kilometers we rode only for « travel/transport » rides in the week. And not only the total kilimeters we rode on the week including all the rides in the week.

For example this week, I rode 32km for « travel & transport » and 66km as « sport bike » rides. And to guess it, I had to compute how many « travel & transport » I made in the week.

If this tool could be launched and automatise, it would be nice just to have an idea of the proportion between both categories of rides.

Thank you 😄


There's a "commute" option that seems to do what you're describing - have you tried using that?

Mt. Kenya

@Jana_S Oh well ! Where can I try to see it ? Thanks !


@Achille_france when you're in the Edit mode, you can check the Commute checkbox in the "type of ride" field



Mt. Kenya

Ok yes that is what I said. I know this part. But here what I am asking for is (once we’ve done this move you describe) to find the sum up of ONLY « travel & transport rides » and not the TOTAL sum up of « travel & transport rides » + classic « sport » rides we currently have access to. Do you understand my proposition ? Thank you 😄


Ah okay, sorry I misunderstood earlier... interesting idea, fingers crossed that it gets implemented! 👍

Moderator Moderator

Hello @Achille_france 

Thanks so much for your post and thanks @Jana_S for mentioning the commute tag.  

There are actually a couple of different ways you can filter commutes in and out of your view.

If you go to Training>MyActivities from your Web Dashboard, you can filter your rides so only your  rides tagged as commutes are shown.  See example below:



If you use a special bike only for commuting, you can also filter by bike on this page.

Additionally, on your Training Log you can use the "show commutes" radio button to filter commutes in or out.  By turning this on and off, you'll be able to see  all your rides, and then your rides excluding commutes.  Give it a try:


Let me know if you have any questions.


Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Status changed to: Existing
Moderator Moderator

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

@Jane Thank you for your feedback 😄


It seems that you use Strava on your computer, but as far as I know, I am not sure this exists on mobile app. 

And just look at the images I made (very quickly) below, I was speaking about having the information directly on the dashboard. On one hand, "Sport rides" and on the other hand "transport rides". Tell me what do you think about it. Regards !



Mt. Kenya

Hello @Jane and @Achille_france  (i'm French too).

It was a big leap forward to be able filter on Commute Travel/transport.

But in the Activites page, you can't make the reverse filter as "only sport activities excepting commute (travel/transport) activites"



Happy to be able to speak to your developpers community. Waiting for your answer 😉