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eg did I beat my prev 2nd best time by 1s or 2m30? And how far off my current PB was I?

Also can we have a new badge to show an EQUALED achievement.  

Because if you equal your PB ONCE you are awarded a 2nd place badge.  3 Times you get a 3rd. I don’t like that!  Hence would like to see an EQUALLED badge to retain your 2nd best and 3rd best times.

thank you !!


Hello @NathanD,

we appreciate your participation in the Community. It’s not entirely clear from your post what you’re suggesting here. Do you mind elaborating and including more details on the topic? We kindly ask that you review our Ideas guidelines, particularly the “What makes a good idea” section, to ensure that your ideas are clear, concise, and can reach as many others as possible. 

There are no limits on how many ideas you can submit. However, we recommend you create a separate post for each idea, since these are related to different features. This will also ensure that other members have a clear idea of what it is they are voting for.

Again, thank you for your post and effort to help our online forums to continue to grow.


Ok so … 

Equalled PB flag:

Currently if I equal my current PB time for a sector I get awarded a 2nd place medal.  If I equal my current PB again I get awarded a 3rd place medal.  
mid i equalled it again I would not get a medal!


My suggestion is rather than taking over your 2nd and 3rd best effort times an EQUALLED PB medal would give greater satisfaction and also a preserve you 2nd and 3rd best times!!


So assuming the above preserves your actual PB time. If you achieve a 2nd best time can you show the delta between the 2nd best time you just did vs your PB time.  E.g.  1min 20s off PB

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for the clarification. Your idea has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Hello. We wanted to let you know that your idea submission from January of 2023 will be archived. While this idea is interesting, we don’t have any immediate plans to implement this and currently aren’t able to prioritize this idea.

Please note that your feedback is valuable to Strava. As stated in our Community Idea Guidelines, we receive many idea submissions each week, and realistically, there may be various reasons that prevent us from including an idea on our Product Roadmap.  

We want to thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued contributions to the Strava Community.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team