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It would be great to have free diving and scuba diving sports into Strava, in a similar manner to what Garmin Connect allows. 


At the moment, I am using a Garmin Descent 1 and activated the synchronization between Garmin Connect and Strava, but every time I go Scuba Diving or Free-diving, Strava recognizes it as Swimming. Which is normal because it does not support underwater sports.


In summary, it would be great to have the following features in Strava:

1. Free-diving as a sport in Strava

2. Scuba Diving as a sport in Strava.

 3. Allow the interface to get the data for Free-diving or scuba-diving sessions from Garmin Connect, recognizing the session features (depth, time underwater, etc.)




Mt. Kenya

yes, please enable SCUBA for Strava

Mt. Kenya

Yes, please add scuba diving and free diving. Garmin Connect already has the data feed and the latest Apple Ultra watch can be used for scuba diving as well. 

Mt. Kenya

It's June 2024 and Strava still does not recognize freediving sport, and i'm using Garmin MK3i

Mt. Kenya

Would be a very nice option. 

Mt. Kenya

Don’t forget to vote if you haven’t! 

it’s surprising and disappointing that Strava haven’t at least commented on this thread

Mt. Kenya

Hey Strava 

If Apple think it’s worth making a dive watch (Ultra 2) then it’s surely worth you adding this functionality to Strava so we can all see the outputs of our Scuba diving or Free diving?  

Also many, many divers also use Suunto dive computers and we can’t interface them into Strava either - instead we have to use apps which are not as good and can’t be shared with our Strava contacts. 

I pay a subscription but may well drop to the free version if you don’t consider this request, or at least provide an answer seeing that a lot of people are asking for the same!


Mt. Kenya

Please! This is such an important activity and feature missing in Strava.
While all other activities syn smoothly from Garmin over to Strava, for SCUBA and Freediving I need to download the FIT files from Garmin and upload into Strava (which does not seem to work in the app, only in the browser).
Then I have to manually name the activity and add pictures. 
Please make this an activity types in Strava! There are so many other activities, that have hardly any recordings. For SCUBA and Freediving, there are millions of recordings from many compatible devices!

Mt. Kenya

Guys, I don't think this matter is getting enough attention.
Strava has added activity types, that are less relevant, e.g. Handcycle, Pickleball, Velomobile, etc.
In comparison, SCUBA and Freediving has so many more followers and recordings.

Maybe you could all make a post on your Strava feed with the link to this voting page, to appeal to vote for this so important feature.

Mt. Kenya




Mt. Kenya

Had to laugh!  I got an email from Strava "Yes – you can Strava that" as the subject and "Whatever you track - whichever wearables or apps you use - Strava is the only place that connects them all into a comprehensive view into your fitness." in the body.

First thing I thought is, no, you can't Strava that.  I can't connect everything I track, it doesn't matter what app or weareable I use, Strava, right now, is the only place that DOESN'T connect everything into a comprehensive view of my fitness journey.

Now, replace "Strava" with "Garmin" or "Apple" in their email and suddenly it's true.

Strava, you need to get the finger out and start doing what you claim!

Mt. Kenya

This would probably make me come back to Strava. Without it - Strava = false advertising. 

If Strava's Product Owners and Project Managers were smart and actually listening to their userbase, then there is no reason this shouldn't be in available.

Mt. Kenya

Strava any update on this??? Last I saw Satracansaid it was open for voting, in a community board that nobody really goes to…and it was in 2022. So two years of voting. I know you had to prioritize all of the “hand cyclists” out there and track that activity. Maybe there are more divers than hand cyclists. Just sayin’. Wouldn’t be too hard. It’s just taking additional fields from Garmin. Not landing a rover on Mars here. 

Mt. Kenya

Freediving apnea is a sport. Strava, you can read through the wikipedia and relevant sports body. 

Competitive freediving is currently governed by two world associations: AIDA and CMAS.

There are several apnea disciplines, such as constant weight apnea (CWT), constant weight bi fins (CWT BF), constant weight without fins (CNF), dynamic apnea with fins (DYN), dynamic apnea without fins (DNF),  free immersion apnea (FIM). 

All of these are sports, require trainings to practice and improve.

I hope Strava takes time to read through about apnea freediving, and make progress to decide enabling this feature. 

Mt. Kenya

 Come on! Vote from a long time subscriber.. 

Mt. Kenya

Apple Ultra 2 watch is also a dive computer - it would be fabulous to be able to upload diving data into Strava rather than Oceanic+ app.
Also allow Suunto dive computers to upload diving data via Strava as well as via the Suunto diving app.