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Almost 11,000 have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank, many still missing under the rubble, and so many are at risk of dying out of hunger, dehydration, or wound contamination... We can't remain silent about it, nothing justify this genocide. It must stop now.  Therefore, please allow us to show solidarity with the Palestinian innocent civilians  by adding (Support Palestine) in the Featured Map Types, as we can support Ukraine, we need to be able to show support to Palestine 🇵🇸 Thank you!1.jpeg2.jpeg



Former Member
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Kindly forward this request to your supervisors If it falls beyond your authority.

We request that Strava enables its users to "Support Palestine" via the customized map feature, exactly as Strava allowed its users to support Ukraine, the Black Lives Matter movement, and LGBTQ via the same feature. We applaud Strava for making these features available, and now it's the time to enable it for Palestine.

We are a group of Strava users from different parts of the world (USA, France, UK, Indonesia, South Africa, Egypt, Malaysia, India, and other countries), from a wide spectrum of professions and backgrounds (doctors, lawyers, teachers, running/fitness coaches, nurses, engineers, and humanitarian activists), and we urge the Strava management team to listen to our voice and meet our request with fairly objective manner, which would at least lead to opening this matter for users vote.

We understand the business objectives and obligations of Strava which were made public, with a centralized goal towards creating a safe and satisfying experience for all Strava users.
Furthermore, we acknowledge that by putting this matter to the public vote, some Strava users might get upset, and a few of them might even end their subscriptions. However, at the same time, we believe that Strava will gain many benefits and popularity among the sport tracking apps, immediately and in the long term.

We can see that the number of Strava users who support the Palestinian people in their struggle against brutal aggression is already valuable and immensely growing.
The world view in the public realm is currently and quickly changing regarding the Palestinian cause, hundreds of millions around the world are taking the stance with the Palestinian's right to freedom and self-determination, and sooner or later that will shape the position of many corporations around the globe, but now it is an opportunity for those who have a future vision and want to lead such a change. The leaders are always honored by the history when the situation is challenging and people do not forget such decisions and they become loyal to the corporation/s that they feel represent their values and voices.

Once again, We kindly urge Strava to open this matter for public vote.
In case Strava insists on declining this request, we expect Strava to provide a clear explanation of such a decision.




Keep your politics out of my fitness.

100,000 Muslim Yemenis have been slaughtered by the Saudis. Where was your concern then? 

1400 innocent Israelis were slaughtered by barbarians. Where was your concern then?

The current situation in Gaza is a tragedy, but the comments section on a fitness platform is an inappropriate place to litigate who is right, and who is wrong. 

Former Member
Not applicable

@JoelMaHarry this is not the place to create a distracting debate. This is simple request of a feature. 

Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine and killed +10,000 civilians ==> Strava created Support Ukraine customized map.

Israel invaded and occupying Gaza (and all Palestine), killed +18,000 civilians so far ==> Strava should show consistency in their policy and enable Support Palestine map. 


These issues are not comparable. Russia's invasion and subsequent civilian slaughter was unprovoked, and a moral abomination. 

Hamas's invasion and subsequent civilian slaughter was unprovoked, and a moral abomination. Moreover, it is a bloody violation of a standing ceasefire, a partial fulfillment of Hamas's formal fatwa that calls for genocide of all Jews in Israel and across the world. 

As the Hamas minister of religious affairs put it, O Allah, grant victory to the fighters in Palestine, guide their strikes to the throats of Jews, make their legs steady and let them stab a knife through the hearts [of the Jews], Enable them to kill the soldiers of the Jews, destroy the weapons of the Jews, and capture Jewish soldiers. O Allah, destroy the Jews completely. Paralyze their limbs and freeze the blood in their veins.

The two are not remotely alike. 

Mt. Kenya

100% support this.  ❤️🇵🇸🙏

Mt. Kenya

@JoelMaHarry you do not have to use the Support 🇵🇸 map option. You mean Ukraine and Gaza are not remotely alike in that in Ukraine it’s been mainly troops killed and in Gaza it’s been at least 98% civilians slaughtered, right? That’s how they’re not remotely alike. 

Mt. Kenya


It is unacceptable that Strava denies adding Support Palestine to their featured map types. Please re-open the case and add the Support Palestine map feature. Give the people what they want. Let us have this map and run in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Mt. Kenya


Mt. Kenya

@Scout!!!! agreed

Mt. Kenya

@Scout Yes, I am 100% behind this suggestion for an option to add a line on the map for Palestine. It would allow members of the Strava community to express their solidarity with Palestinian liberation and each other, and to more fully express their authentic self on a platform that prides itself on bringing people together through movement.

Mt. Kenya

agree!!! please add Maps for Palestine ASAP!!!

Mt. Kenya

@Scout please proceed to add support Palestine in strava featured map immediately. It seems your end has ignored this request for too long

Mt. Kenya

The silence of Strava deafening.  They obviously do not care or respect anything regarding human rights and Palestinians.  I will not be renewing my membership - and I encourage everyone to do the same.  I will continue to use Strava - but not paying.  As we have seen plenty of time - corporate entities only listen when their bottom line is at risk!!  So lets do our part to influence positive change!

Mt. Kenya

I cancelled my Strava subscription …

no point to keep paying if they ignore our request of raising our voice against the killing of thousands of children… 

Mt. Kenya

yes please!!! @Scout  🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸