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I think it's time we the amateurs had our app back. 

Strava should have a section just for Pro or ex pro riders separate from amateurs. 

They can still compete for the same segments, just amongst themselves hence StravaPro, as alot of times they use data from races with closed roads and elevated speeds of a group or peleton. 



Mt. Kenya

Oui vous avez raison...Il suffit de regarder pour les obsédés des KOM que sur les courses notamment , les conditions ne sont absolument pas les mêmes !
Routes sécurisées notamment !
Mais à noter que je vois très peu de personnes enregistraient leurs KOMS lorsqu'ils sont en course alors que l'option existe sur Strava !
C'est un sacré Mic Mac en tout cas à gérer !
Perso je fais mes KOM et je me compare....A moi même !

Status changed to: Open To Voting

Thanks for submitting your idea to enable a separate leaderboard for Pro athletes. It has been reviewed by our moderation team and is now open to voting.

Mt. Kenya

I think you should make two leaderboards of the KOM/QOM.

When you click on "All time" leaderboard there should be two of them:

1.  Amateur / regular cyclists of that area

2. PRO cyclists

That is because times - KOMs of the PRO cyclists are unreachable for the amateur cyclists. And when PRO cyclists cross those hills during the race it is all over for them - they dont have any challange left (I mean the cyclists who live and ride at that area)

I think this is not so hard to do. Thank you.

Have a nice day



Similar to StravaPro.

Mt. Kenya


I didnt see that post. Yes something like that I mean.


Make sure to vote on it if that’s what you’re asking for.

Mt. Kenya

Partout où une course passe ( amateurs ou professionnels passent),  les KOMS explosent !

Donc oui: une version réservée aux professionnels mais qui ne sera pas facile à mettre en place je pense .

Je vois également  des coureurs rouler derrière un engin motorisé, là encore c'est indédectable et ça fausse tout !

Bonne route à tous.

Mt. Kenya

I live in the Alps. Every KOM is a pro!! Support this 100%


I understand the idea, but not sure how you would implement it.  What level would constitute "pro".  What if someone was a "pro" in one discipline, would that apply to all disciplines?  How would you vet historical data?  Is someone going to go back and try to identify every person who has ever had a pro license and had used Strava over the last 10+years?  What about those who are just riding on their local scene now, but decide to start really training and turn pro 6 or 7 years later?  Do their accomplishments back when they were legitimately an amateur suddenly not count?  I sort of like the idea, but I just have a hard time thinking it would be practical to implement with any accuracy.  


I don't like the idea. Additional to anchskiers objections pros have just earned the right to be on top of segments, if an amateur doesn't like it, it's just envy. Besides the reasoning behind the request doesn't make sense, riding on closed roads doesn't apply to pros only and it's irrelevant on most segments anyway and riding in groups or peletons isn't pro exclusive.

Mt. Kenya

Merci pour vos avis!

J'en déduis que c'était une vraie fausse bonne idée car trop compliqué à mettre en place.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned
Moderator Moderator

Your idea has been shared with the product team. Right now, we aren't exploring the possibility of adding/implementing this feature, and your suggestion will be archived. Please understand that we  receive a very high volume of feature requests, and cannot realistically implement all of them in the foreseeable future. Thank you for taking the time to submit your idea and we look forward to your continued engagement in the Community Hub.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team