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Strava used to only calculated my actual moving time for runs and rides (unless marked as a race). I’ve noticed the last few weeks/months that it’s now doing my total time and not eliminating stand still time. Please help! This feature was nice for trail runs so I didn’t need to stop/start my watch every time we stop for pictures etc. Thank you.

This post has been escalated to our Support team. If you have a similar question please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further.

Update from support: In some situations you can change the distance that is shown for your activity. Changing the distance stream may also update the pace or duration of an activity. If your device created a distance stream using sensors such as a speed sensor, pedometer, or accelerometer, you can switch your distance on Strava to use GPS data rather than the generated distance stream.
To swap your distance stream:

  • Go to your activity page on the website (this feature is currently not accessible in our mobile apps)

  • From the activity page click on (◦◦◦) the more options menu > Correct Distance.

  • From the pop-up, click "Correct Distance".

  • When the status changes from "Calculating" to "Updated," refresh the page. 

If you would like to revert the change, you can click the same link and click "Revert Distance". For more information, see our article on How distance is calculated for your activity

If you need further assistance, please submit a support ticket and we will investigate further.

C'mon Strava...give us the option to display moving or elapsed time.

Presently gives a false impression to those who don't know...they will look at my activity and say hiked 15km up a steep climb in only 2hrs

This is not solved at all! Distance is showed correctly, the issue is only referred to moving time calculation.

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I am having this same issue with no resolution. How do i change my strava to display moving time NOT elapsed time on runs. 
The app used to always show moving time, now it is showing elapsed time only which is ruining my ability to see my pace.