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Flybys feature in the app


I would love to see Flybys also integrated in the STRAVA app. I guess the app is the most used interface to the STRAVA data. Everyone has their mobile phone always available. Wouldn't it be great if I could check my flybys quickly and without a computer while I'm on the road?

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  • July 22, 2022

I commented on this as well.  As you said, the app is the most used STRAVA interface where the FlyBy feature isn't visible.  Also, users need to opt into showing up on FlyBys, so I've found it's not nearly as useful as it once was.  In fact, I just checked the FlyBy of a group run I attended yesterday with at least forty to fifty runners - only one (1) other person besides myself showed up.

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  • July 22, 2022

Thanks for your comment!

I know that for some time now you have to actively agree to this function, but i would still find it useful to be able to do this in the app if i want to and not have to boot up a computer first.

  • Superuser
  • 44 replies
  • July 22, 2022

Agree, and for it to be a worthwhile feature, STRAVA would need to:

1. Explain to users what Flyby is and how to participate.

2. Make it viewable/available on the app.

  • Strava Alumni
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  • July 22, 2022
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  • Hub Explorer
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  • July 23, 2022

Flybys has been very popular and it has been a great way to communicate with others, a few years back Strava made changes all our user security/privacy profiles and overrode where they set Flybys to be disabled and notified us with a lovely email that you had to enable it for others to see you on their activities, this is related to privacy data laws around the world.

I would like to think that their could a modified version, where other people identified only as a dot with no name.

This is the generic URL from there you can pop in your activity ID number.

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  • July 25, 2022

Hello @lopey66,

Thanks for your comment!

I am aware of the privacy changes back in the days. I ike and support the opt in instead of opt out option. I am also aware that you will see less people on the flybys map because of this.

But if I made a road bike trip with lots of other road bikers flying by I would like to have the chance to check the flybys in the app to give some kudos and "hellos" with out booting up my pc. I fully understand that both I and others must have explicitly agreed to this function.

Thank you for the link! This is page I know from using the PC version of STRAVA.

  • Hub Powerhouse
  • 62 replies
  • August 10, 2022

Thumbs up from me. I understand why strava put the kibosh on it years ago when someone came out and said stalkers could use it, and it hit the news headlines. But since it's opt-in, it should be OK now. But very few users even know fly-by exists. So I agree with @MattS_bsb  who said:

STRAVA would need to:

1. Explain to users what Flyby is and how to participate.

2. Make it viewable/available on the app.

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  • August 11, 2022

@eric11thank you for your comment. if you track yourself, upload and share this on whatever online platform, it's always a question of privacy and how do i handle it myself. 
i still remember the incident that the heatmap made facilities visible that better shouldn't...

I totally agree with you and @MattS_bsb. This Feature shoud be explained very clearly (again) and I am still looking forward finding Flybys on the app soon.

  • Hub Expert
  • 577 replies
  • August 18, 2022

I have mixed feelings about the privacy issue regarding flybys.  Whatever people's positions on it, either opt-in or opt-out, Strava messed up with HOW they implemented the change.  They unilaterally changed it so that it was disabled for all users but never said anything about it.  Most people assumed that the feature was removed.  Only a small percentage of people, even now, have figured out that it still exists and you have to go into your privacy settings to re-enable it.  The least Strava could have done when making that change was announce the change and tell people the process to re-enable it if they wanted to.  Changes like that should be announced and explained up front, not done in the dark, behind closed doors.  They essentially ruined what was a great feature.  

I do agree with others that it should be available on the app as well as the desktop version.  

  • Hub Adventurer
  • 157 replies
  • February 3, 2023

100% agree with adding flybys to the phone app if possible.

An easier way to reintroduce users to Flyby feature would be to add the Flyby feature within Edit Activity. Then the athlete can choose to opt in or opt out for each activity. It should be set to opt-out by default, but the athlete can change it. 


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  • August 15, 2023

It's been over a year now since i started this topic. It's frustrating that apart from the wordless status change to gathering kudos from @Soren, nothing else has happened on the part of STRAVA.

Same for the request to be able to plan training sessions/group activities with other athletes

It's frustrating that STRAVA still doesn't publish a roadmap or give feedback on how the ideas of their (paying) members are treated or implemented. The most famous example is probably the dark mode feature. More than 620 kudos for this reques!! It feels like every STRAVA user is screaming for this feature but nothing happens...

This community hub started out so great and promising. I was even made a "founding member" but not much of the elan and fire of the first months is left. It's really a shame.

My subscription renewal is due in october. I know threatening won't help and STRAVA probably won't give a sh*t if i pay again or not, but i'll think about it. It's really too bad how it turned out....

  • Superuser
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  • August 15, 2023

@cy-linder I feel the same way.  I don't have a strong opinion on Dark Mode either way, but there's no doubt more people are asking for features like this vice the ability to post videos on their activities.  Meanwhile the features that made STRAVA a great fitness app, like finding segments and creating routes are seemingly getting worse as far as user experience.

I know quite a few folks that would probably consider subscribing/keep their subscription if it included the ability to schedule an actual training session with other athletes.  I've been a paying member of STRAVA for probably 5 years now, and the only "perk" I'd say I actually use is the creation of routes, which Garmin provides for free.

  • Hub Rookie
  • 7 replies
  • November 13, 2023

I think it should default to off, like it does, but most users don’t even know about them. Allowing them to be seen on the mobile app would make people aware they exist. 

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  • May 6, 2024


Thanks to everyone who has posted a comment on this Thread.  I don't currently have an update on when or if Flybys will be coming to the Strava App.  I do want to make sure that everyone is aware of the Flyover feature that was released in the App a few months ago.  It gives Strava Subscribers the ability to relive activities on a dynamic, 3D map

If you're not familiar with it, find more details here

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  • May 7, 2024

Hello @Jane11,

thanks for coming back representing STRAVA.

I can only speak for myself and yes, I've seen the feature, but that's not what I was asking about in this thread.
Unfortunately it is also sad to read that you don't know "when or if" the Flyby feature comes to the app. Just as sad as the Dark Mode story.
Anyway, thanks that someone from STRAVA is obviously reading along here.

Btw. the link doesn't work.

  • Superuser
  • 44 replies
  • May 7, 2024

@Jane11 I'd like to echo what @cy-linder stated earlier in that it's disappointing to hear that a feature which is already integrated into STRAVA's functionality and provides real value has stalled in its progress to even see more spotlight.  I've used the Flyover feature once or twice, and it's a novelty at best.  And yes, the link in fact does not work.

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  • May 7, 2024

Hello @cy-linder and @MattS_bsb 

Thanks for letting me know about the bad link.  I've corrected it and you can also click here for information on the flyover feature

Thanks also for letting me know you would still like to see the Flybys feature come to the App - we'll leave this this suggestion open to voting.  


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  • May 8, 2024

Hello @Jane11 ,

please keep in mind that i raised this topic almost two years ago. Two years!! How long do we need to vote before STRAVA starts moving?

And what does "...still like to see the Flybys feature come to the App" mean? Is STRAVA surprised that even after two years of stalling, your users are still interested in features that they themselves have requested?


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  • Community Manager
  • 3523 replies
  • December 13, 2024
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